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Art Survey

#82427 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:37:59

I'm just wondering about a few things about what you all like to see in art, if you are to buy it. This survey will really go for all art types unless said what kind so if you want you can name something specific. So please, if your willing, just copy and paste the stuff below and fill it out. This will be super helpful to me and thanks! XD

1. Do you prefer your linearts to be transparent or not?
2. Would you be more likely to buy a tag or sig?
3. Do you like English or Western tack and stuff on tags, sigs, lines, etc?
4. Do you prefer natural or unnatural art more?
5. For tags and linearts do you prefer full body or headshots?

I think that's it for now. I might update it later with more questions later if I have any but I'll put it in the title. Thanks again guys, this will be a big help!! XD

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#82430 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:44:01

1. Do you prefer your linearts to be transparent or not?

2. Would you be more likely to buy a tag or sig?
Personally, neither as I have little use, but having to choose, probably tags.

3. Do you like English or Western tack and stuff on tags, sigs, lines, etc?
Personally no. But it depends on the theme of said artwork.

4. Do you prefer natural or unnatural art more?

5. For tags and linearts do you prefer full body or headshots?

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#82431 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:46:35

1. Definitely (transparent).
2. A sig, as there are plenty of tags around! (Or I would If I had the mulah)
3. Both!
4. Both equally :)
5. You can only do so many head-shots before they all look the same - I actually love full body art!

Last edited on 2016-12-23 at 20:47:46 by SolE

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#82438 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:58:11

Thanks so much for helping me out. I like to hear what everyone wants in art. XD

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#82439 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:59:30

1. Transparent
2. Tag
3. English
4. Natural
5. Either one :)

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#82440 Posted on 2016-12-23 21:01:57

1. Do you prefer your linearts to be transparent or not?

definitely transparent. makes it easier to work with for me.
and makes it more flexible for me to add my own backgrounds if need be.

2. Would you be more likely to buy a tag or sig?

tags. i will only buy sigs if they are designed very well or are something i absolutely must have. i love refined art for sigs, whereas tags i'm more flexible on poses and personalities.

3. Do you like English or Western tack and stuff on tags, sigs, lines, etc?

i prefer no tack.

4. Do you prefer natural or unnatural art more?

both have their own place in my heart.

5. For tags and linearts do you prefer full body or headshots?

both. depends on the artist and how well it is designed and colored.

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#82550 Posted on 2016-12-24 12:45:10

1. Transparent
2. Sigs, I'm starting to become obsessed with them xD
3. No tack, but if so, Western
4. I love both!
5. headshots

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#82552 Posted on 2016-12-24 12:52:20

1. Do you prefer your linearts to be transparent or not?
Absolutely Transparent.

2. Would you be more likely to buy a tag or sig?
A signature. Considering I can't use tags as a basic member... Can I use signatures, though? Anyways, signature.

3. Do you like English or Western tack and stuff on tags, sigs, lines, etc?
I like the English aesthetics. ; v ;

4. Do you prefer natural or unnatural art more?
Semi-natural... Uncommon or original but feasable genes, semi-realistic art style... Yeah.

5. For tags and linearts do you prefer full body or headshots?
No preference here, actually. I cna even enjoy a halfbody.

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