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the life of an overachiever.

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the life of an overachiever.

#82418 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:04:11

so i've spent the greater part of this past week moving furniture and boxes (aka my strength training, lol)
and spent today grocery shopping for christmas eve and christmas day meals.

tonight, i decided i'd get a head start on my plans for next semester in school.
keep in mind i'm a 17 year old high school junior with big plans for herself.

so, here's a list of what i did tonight:

1: paid $150 for a year membership to an online coding program to learn extensive coding and all the different types of it.
(i'm already self-taught in HTML, but coding is super fun for me anyways so it can never hurt to learn more)

2: started my applications for Duke University's TIP summer field study programs. most people don't start their applications until January 9th, when the applications officially open.

3: continue working on the online astronomy class i signed up for to do during winter break.
(i never take breaks. not from school. not for an overachiever.)

4: start my ACT prep to take my ACT exam in the spring.
(i know i'm behind but my home school sucks about telling us about these things. they act like they're optional (which they aren't. not for me.))

5: sign up for volunteering at my local animal rescue shelter.
(i already volunteer at petco with their rescue program and work at my barn and participate in 4-H but what's another obligation on my plate?)

6: complete my sign-up for the 10 classes i'm taking next semester.

so, next semester is looking pretty busy for leah over here.

now, only if i could find time to sleep or eat. anyone got any ideas for that part of life?

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#82420 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:12:03

Congrats! You must feel so proud of yourself. :3

*high five*

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#82426 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:34:04

Wow good luck, it sounds like a lot but I know you can do it :D

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#82429 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:43:28

Hey, congrats! on rocking out! :) Let me know if you get into's an experience unlike any other! ♥

Only advice is put sleep at a priority. Your brain does a lot of very good stuff for your body, your memory, and your learning while you are sleeping. Personally, I don't do anything school-related after 7pm because it will take me a good 2-3 hours to kick out all the science and medical stuff out of my head so I can actually fall and stay asleep. I work full-time, raise a small child by myself, and go to school full-time for a second round of college. It can be done.

PS Force yourself to take a day off every now and then. Maybe once a month? Learn how to relax and refocus your mind so that you're not constantly working on a problem in the back of your head (this is called being "present"). From one over-achiever to another, this will help you stave off burn-out and help reduce stress. Stress has a whole host of negative side-effects on your body. Be good to yourself. :)

Edited to add: I just realized I wrote everything out like I was talking to the baby duck. Oops >.>

Last edited on 2016-12-23 at 20:45:20 by Ducky

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#82435 Posted on 2016-12-23 20:51:53

aurey and wiki: thanks! i'm super excited for this coming semester.

ducky: i'm actually really passionate about anatomy and psychology so i'm well-versed in the sciences of the mind (i actually am thinking about a career in neuroscience or clinical psychology if i decide not to pursue anesthesiology) and i try to take an hour or two every night (no matter how late i finish my work and get offline) to sit down and watch television or read and just... chill my brain out from the work of the day. it's hard to shut that part of me telling me i have things to do off, but i'm getting better. thanks for the advice and kind words.

Last edited on 2016-12-23 at 20:52:43 by jolly leαн

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#82454 Posted on 2016-12-23 21:43:41

Wow that's awesome!

That's sounds like a ton of work but you seem really on top of it. Good job! :D

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