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ISO: A Charrie Story Writer

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ISO: A Charrie Story Writer

#81895 Posted on 2016-12-21 21:03:18

I have 10 characters total. As of yet, none of them have background stories but I am creating my character website and I want them to have background stories.

What I'm looking for
- A story writer
- Must be willing to do all 10 characters or work with another person to do all 10 (I don't want to work with 10 different writers because I want the same writing style for every character)
- Must have some sort of experience in writing or be a good writer (I know it's just for characters but these will be the only stories I'll ever have written for them)
- I am willing to pay in EVC or in mixed payment

Some things I'm looking for in the story
- Creativity (I'll give you some guidelines but you'll have a lot of free reign)
- Obviously correct grammar and spelling and the obvious things
- I'm thinking 300-500 words for each character
- Little to no dialogue
- 1st or 3rd person narration (whichever you prefer)
- I really want these characters to come alive and to fly off the page
- You'll be mostly responsible for creating their personas so I'm looking for a heavy time commitment and lots of effort put into these

Examples (Writing character stories or other):
Estimated Price:

If you have any questions ask or PM me

Last edited on 2016-12-21 at 21:03:29 by Floofy

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