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a small horse brag

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a small horse brag

#81709 Posted on 2016-12-21 12:04:57

so to make myself feel better after my terrible mistake of gelding an amazing colt, i decided to treat myself and breed another foal earlier than i'd planned!

I ended up with this girl, who is not only the only mustang on the game with her color (Mealy Sooty Moreno), but also happens to have ALL of my favorite mustang white patterns (Splash, Rabicano, and Roan) AND is also homozygous flaxen. She also is only 4th gen :)

The only other horse that's close in color to her is Sleepy Hollow's Comanche, and he just so happens to be lined up to be the sire of this girl's only sibling, so I have high hopes for that future foal as well! Anything to distract from past mistakes :p

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#81711 Posted on 2016-12-21 12:06:52

she's amazing!

*aglet on my spare

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#81723 Posted on 2016-12-21 12:34:51

Cool!!! :D

@aglet...I'm not even going to ask why you picked Schrodinger's Cat as your spare account name, ROFL!.

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#81725 Posted on 2016-12-21 12:37:10

She's great, just like the mare that came out of my last breeding of Solar Moons, didn't get his facial though. Out of all four kiddos she's the only one without his facial xD

Last edited on 2016-12-21 at 16:14:03 by megansparrow

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#81767 Posted on 2016-12-21 14:31:51


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#81817 Posted on 2016-12-21 16:15:43

What a gorgeous filly!!! ♥

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#82039 Posted on 2016-12-22 13:01:04

thanks everyone!
i'm really happy with how she turned out!

looking back at my records, she's also the first filly i've bred that was above 600 stats at birth :)

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