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About Shows and riding schools

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About Shows and riding schools

#80976 Posted on 2016-12-19 13:58:22

So, I have wondering for a while, how much do the avarage horse gain on being showed, stat wise? And they only get it if they place, correct? I've been worrying for quite a while that my horses are cannibalizing each others show results, due to a large, LARGE amount of my focused breed, the TWH. I know for a fact It happens to a degree, and would like to hear from others. Is It preferable to only show a few horses of each rank, and school the rest, or do that cut in to their stats overall as well? It's not like my horses aren't growing well, but I know they could very likely do better.

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#80987 Posted on 2016-12-19 14:51:15

It is common for people to show horse only when they are within 10 stats of their next lvl and to hand enter their horses so that a maximum of 3 of their horses are in each show. Horses which aren't within 10 stats of their next lvl are entered into riding schools.

Riding school averages 3 stats per day. (I actually recorded my horses total stat gain from riding school and did an average; I got a 3.05 average from my data for 57 horses).

Showing is hard to collect data for; but my horses within 10 stats of their next lvl routinely gain 5-10 stats in a single day.

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#80991 Posted on 2016-12-19 15:07:53

My horses average 3 stats per day in school too. Most of my horses earn more from shows (like anywhere from 5 to 20-ish) but I actually keep track of each horse's win percentage and use that to decide whether a horse does school or shows each day. So my best horses are in shows pretty much daily and the not so great horses are only in shows when they're within 10 pts of the next level.

Also I never enter more than 3 of my horses in the same show, and usually not more than 2. Since only 3 can possibly get stats from a show I'd rather some just get the 3-ish stats from school than risk getting none from losing 10 shows. There's always the risk of getting no stats from school too but in my experience it's not that common for a horse entered in 10 hours of school to not get at least one stat point.

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#80993 Posted on 2016-12-19 15:15:18

^I don't do win percentage but I do have a C-Score and horses with a C-Score of 80 or higher are enter into shows when they are within 50 stats of their next lvl (which is daily for N1-L5 horses).

C-Score = 100 - nonspecialty stats

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#81146 Posted on 2016-12-20 10:51:14

That is quite interesting to know! I never knew, and have tried to show basically everything, due to a higher gain, but as I got in more and more horses, I now show probably around 100 horses a day in the same diciplines... there isn't enough shows. I'll start this method now, actually, sounds like it would, for all but the very best horses, be the one way to go!

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