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Bad way to wake up....

ForumsMiscellaneous Chat → Bad way to wake up....

Bad way to wake up....

#80507 Posted on 2016-12-16 22:14:37

For maybe the first time today I didn't kill a spider I found in the house. I just relocated it to a less used room. I have always been terrified of spiders, but I became a bit desensitized to them living in Brazil. I would regularly find some real MONSTERS in my house there. Now that I'm back in the norther US, the little ones here don't seem so bad, I killed a strange looking orange one yesterday with big scary teeth (is that what you call them, teeth?). But today there was a little yellow-white one in the bathroom, and I recognized the species and knew it's not dangerous, and I dunno, it was just so harmless looking. I couldn't kill it. I also couldn't touch it so I made my husband move it.

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