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TFW you're a proud mummy

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TFW you're a proud mummy

#79051 Posted on 2016-12-10 14:55:59

My three juvenile ball pythons just took their first F/T meals with no hassle. ♥♥♥
My burmese i had no doubt she'd take it, she's a freaking pig.

but for those who don't know, F/T is frozen/thawed food (rodents).
For those who also do not know. Ball pythons are REALLY finicky eaters, and will often times give owners/breeders hassles when switching over to F/T from live. It was my first time offering and they all took to it. Cara i really didn't doubt, she's eating everything she sees, including baby chickens, which balls don't usually even look at. She ate them like a champ (3 total spread over a few days), and before any of you go omg why chicks!? the chicks had no chance at life, the mother hen pecked and broke their legs, and ate the chunks she pecked off. I have snakes, so the breeder gave them to me, and i tried with Cara, who is usually an amazing eater. She did her job well.

Now that I know 4 out of 6 will take F/T (hopefully they'll make it a steady habit), I can actually buy in bulk now, and frozen rats/mice/guinea pigs/gerbils/rabbits are cheaper to buy than live. I won't be feeding rabbits until Nymphadora grows to 13' or so though, she's resting at 3.5 to 4' right now.

♥♥♥ much love for my babies today ♥♥♥

Last edited on 2016-12-10 at 14:59:10 by Potato Ren-Lord of Tatoes

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#79666 Posted on 2016-12-12 23:11:51

Snakes!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

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Silver Foxie Sox

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#80056 Posted on 2016-12-15 01:03:54

Yay, snakes! I adore snakes, both wild and pet ones. We catch and relocate quite a few wild ones that get in our yard or are in danger of being run over by a car on the roads. We do the same for turtles, or tortoises. I've got tons of pictures of snakes we've found and relocated. Including this little guy/girl that I thought was a Earth Worm at first. Turns out its an Eastern Worm Snake, and is fairly common in the area we live in.

Unfortunately we've never owned any reptiles.

Best of luck with your snakes!

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#80057 Posted on 2016-12-15 01:29:18

♥♥♥♥ siiibibbbibibibibiibibibibib
the wormy snekky ♥
I've never actually seen one in actuality, but i've seen pics and vids.

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