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TWH Club Mascot Contest!

ForumsClubs → TWH Club Mascot Contest!

TWH Club Mascot Contest!

#78345 Posted on 2016-12-06 14:00:30

We've now got over 650 horses registered! In celebration, I've decided to run a Mascot of the Month contest. I'll be judging entries based on conformation and stats way more than coat colors, so if you've got any plain-Jane sort of pixel ponies in your barn, this could be their chance to shine! To enter, donate at least $500 per horse entered to the club and then message me with a link to your horse's page. Please DO NOT send the entry fee to me; all fees will go directly into the club bank account. The winning horse will be our mascot for the month and their owner will receive a $5000 prize. The deadline for entries is December 8th, so get those entries in! You can enter as many horses into this contest as you like!

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