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How do you get your horses to sell?

ForumsEquiverse Chat → How do you get your horses to sell?

How do you get your horses to sell?

#78335 Posted on 2016-12-06 12:47:56

I've pretty much lowered my horses prices to the lowest they can be. I'm switching to only show jumping so I'm getting rid of a bunch of horses. These horses have been for sale since Thanksgiving, and I still have 23 horses left for sale. I have an ad up in horse classifieds.

Is there anything else I can do to get them to sell?

Last edited on 2016-12-06 at 12:48:22 by Crossroad Farms

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#78338 Posted on 2016-12-06 12:58:52

i just took a look at your sale barn, and you've got a lot of really nice horses up for sale.

however, I wouldn't buy any of them because even the foundations have VERY high non-specialty stats from having been fed haycubes. That makes them non-competitive in shows.

Converting them isn't insanely expensive, but since almost all of them are already trained in the predominant discipline of their breed, I'd then also have to pay 2 credits to reconvert them on top of the purchase price and initial 10k conversion. That's just not worth it to me.

so basically that's why I wouldn't buy them, and while I don't speak for all potential buyers, i do know that many others feel the same way about non-specialty stats. I'd rather buy a horse with 200 stats if they were all in the right discipline than a horse with 500 stats even spread across all areas.

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#78358 Posted on 2016-12-06 15:24:08

In general, patience. Sometimes my horses sell in a day and sometimes it takes three weeks, maybe more, I don't really keep track, but they always sell eventually.

Specifically, for me as a buyer, stats are the most important thing. I check all of the horses for sale almost every day and make an offer on the ones that meet my criteria for stats and confo that aren't priced outrageously. I'm pretty sure I've bought a few horses from you actually, lol. So any that I didn't make an offer on it was probably because the non-specialty stats were too high.

Last edited on 2016-12-06 at 15:25:13 by SueHeck

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