Someone to Possibly Do Recolors....
Someone to Possibly Do Recolors.... |
#74748 Posted on 2016-11-06 16:56:13
Hey guys!
So I have just made this horse head that I am pretty proud of.
I am looking for someone to share recolors with if I turn this into a sale and also possibly turn this into a pdf(preferably the same person that will do recolors)if I cannot find the time to do so. I'm wanting to turn it into pdf because this particular image happens to be lineless so it is pretty difficult when coloring to get the mane, forelock, eye, etc. on all the recolors exactly the same measurement, especially when the recolors are being done by different people.
Here is the uncolored horse head:
Colored example:
I realize there are a few stray pixels that I'll need to clean up but this is a trial and error experience for me as I have never done lineless art (that I recall) and rarely draw lines and art (besides coloring and markings) myself.
If you are interested in splitting recolors, please fill out this form:
Name & ID #:
Can you make this a PDF? (Yes or No):
Deviantart? (If not applicable, leave blank or say N/A):
Examples of Recolors:
Once I choose a person, we'll communicate by message to figure out a sell price and profit share.
Also note: The person I choose will place their own signature (digitally signed, typed, however you prefer) above my deviantart and the shading reference only on the ones they have colored.
Last edited on 2016-11-06 at 16:57:45 by Reign
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