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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP SU)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP SU)

#73372 Posted on 2016-10-25 14:29:37

Two packs have reined their territories for years. The only battles were border battles, when one pack wanted to expand. But times are different now, and a new pack is rising...

Free River Pack
The pack lives in a field surrounded by woods, a fresh water river cutting through the field. To the east, their territory goes a mile before being ended by a filthy Black Path. To the south, they have free rein of two miles before their territory ends. Here the Shared Grounds begin. To the west, their territory goes a mile before human settlements end it. To the north, the woods continue for one 1/2 miles before petering out, ending their territory.
Wolves & Pack Life
These wolves are like any others, with varying personalities. Pack life has been peaceful, almost blissful, for a long while. Far longer than normal. The pessimistic wolves of old had often said that bliss wouldn't last long, and their naysaying apparently held some truth. For a new leader has risen, and he is determined to expand territory. He used to be decent, but his ambition has taken over him and turned him upside down. He wants to expand.... Into the Shared Grounds.

Little Valley Pack
Little Valley wolves live in - you guessed it - a valley. In the valley, a crystal clear pond waters the pack, and the pond is fed by a stream birthed by the river. To the immediate south are hills. Their territory goes three quarters of a mile into the hills. To the west are woods. These woods go along a mile until ended by human settlements. To the north, they have four miles before their territory meets with the Shared Grounds. To the east, a mile before the Black Path ends it.
Wolves & Pack Life
Like Free River, all wolves in this pack have different personalities. Their life wasn't so peaceful until redently, though, because humans have been invading territory to sight see on their hills, often taking a hike through their woods, too, scaring prey. This has died down, though, because humans discovered their pack and ended the tourism. These wolves still have the same leader they have had for some time now, a leader very much following old traditions.

Rustling Wind Pack
Some wolves of Free River are outraged at their leader and want to do something about it. A young wolf, desperate for peace again, rises up and begins to form a new pack - Rustling Wind. The pack plans on having its territory in the Shared Grounds. The leader has a few wolves with him in the Shared Grounds, and they build a camp in the plains there. Loners, wolves of any pack, are welcomed here.

Shared Grounds
The Shared Grounds are 4 square miles of plains, shared by the two packs.

Where do YOU belong?

◇ Be descriptive!
◆At least three sentences per character per post. Though I like descriptiveness, I don't need to read about a bunch of gore. Also, there may be mates but no details! ;)
◇ Be realistic!
◆ No purple, green, or pink wolves. No magic.
◇ Be considerate.
◆ No controlling other people's characters. Though conflict between characters is okay, I will not stand arguing between players.
◇ No plot twists!
◆ I don't want anyone coming up with a plot twist without asking me first.
◇ Wolf background guidelines
◆ Not every wolf has a horrible background. Most will not. All but a few wolves should come from either Free River or Little Valley.
◇ No added drama!
◆ No humans will be in the wolf territories. No bear attacks all the time.
◇ Have fun!
◆ Have fun, but follow the rules.
◇ No swearing.
◇ I have the right to delcline your form or kick you from the RP.
◇ No common names, please.

Alpha (top dog)
Beta (second in command dog)
Delta (the common dog; makes up the majority of the pack)
Queen (mother nursing pups)
Pups (the baby dogs)


Desired Rank:
Example of Writing: (only required if you desire the alpha/beta position)

Wolf Pack 101 (for the RP)
- Wolves hunt alone or in small groups when hunting for smaller prey (squirrel, rabbit, etc.)
- When small prey is caught, the wolves return to camp and first offer it to queens and pups, then the alpha. If none of them want it, they put it on the Prey Stock. Anyone can eat from this at any time.
- Wolves hunt in larger groups when hunting larger prey (for example, deer)
- When large prey is caught, the wolves return to camp with the prey. Alpha eats first before allowing the rest to eat. Some alphas don't follow this, but most do.
- Pups and queens have their own sleeping shelter. Deltas sleep together, and the beta sleeps eith them. Alpha gets its own sleeping shelter.
- Wolves are submissive to alpha and beta. Submissiveness is usally shown by 1) lowering body close to ground; 2) putting ears back while avoiding eye contact; 3) avoiding eye contatc; 4) tucking in tail; 5) rolling onto back: 6) combinations of 1-5
- Alphas stay alpha until either death or another wolf challenges the alpha and wins.
- Fights will sometimes break out between wolves grappling for a better place in the pecking order.
- Yes, there is a pecking order among deltas.

Keep in mind I will only accept forms for alpha wolves that match what I mentioned above. Other than that, anyone can play the alpha!

Last edited on 2016-10-27 at 08:36:14 by Oswin

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#73556 Posted on 2016-10-27 08:37:16

Sorry for so much to read. D:

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#73558 Posted on 2016-10-27 08:48:15

Name: Aqui (uh-quee)
Nickname: n/a
Gender: Male
Age: 2 yrs.
Decription: Aqui's short fur is your average wolf colors - black, grey, and white. He is predominantly black, with his fur fading grey and then white near his stomach. His eyes are small and light brown. His facial features are more flattened than most. His build is small, fast, and strong. His legs are long and obviously built to run.
Personality: Aqui is known for being quiet but no-nonsense. He may not talk much, but he works hard. He has a slight temper, being known to snap if disobeyed. He has a soft spot for pups, and can be very thoughtful towards family and friends.
Pack: Rustling Wind
Rank: Beta
Desired Rank: Beta
Mate: n/a (looking)
Crush: none yet
Pups: n/a
Other: Nope!
Example of Writing:
Aqui heard the soft breathing of prey. Gathered round were many wolf friends. Aqui gave his tail the slightest twitch, and as one the wolves rose and pounded toward the sleeping deer. The deer stood and began to run. One, an older doe, stumbled, and Aqui pounced. Together, the wolves brought down the deer and took it back to the pack, where the alpha would first eat.
Aqui woke, his ears twitching, and he sighed as he thought of the dream. Would there ever be enough wolves to do such a hunt?

Name: Shazda (sh-az-duh)
Nickname: Azzy bh clpse friends, Az by most
Gender: Female
Age: 1 yr.
Decription: Long, light tan fur cloaks her small body, draping it with flowing tendrils. Her eyes are big and dark, the color of melted chocolate, windows to her soul. She is small in build, with gentle features and a long tail. Her ears are small and delicate triangles.
Personality: Azzy isn't outgoing, but she isn't shy, either. She likes to be involved with pack life, but doesn't often speak up or argue. She loves to hang out with the queens, especially the older ones, and hear advice. She is quiet, often, and doesn't say what she feels. Her eyes are what speak for her when around people she knows well, for they can read the sparkle or flatness in her eyes.
Pack: Little Valley
Rank: Delta
Desired Rank: Delta
Mate: None (she hopes for one)
Crush: None yet
Pups: None
Other: Nope.

Last edited on 2016-10-27 at 08:48:50 by Oswin

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#73600 Posted on 2016-10-27 18:21:37


Name: Nyx
Nickname: N/A
Gender: She-wolf
Age: 4 and 1 month
Decription: Nyx is a rather blackish she wolf with the darkest black around her points like ears, muzzle, tail..etc. Nyx has pale yellow orbs that get darker in the moonlight and are a bit darker during the night. She has a rather think build right now because she is close to birthing pups of hers but her fur is thick and keeps her warm.
Personality: Nyx is the bubbly type of wolf in the pack and wants to be friends with everyone in the pack. Nyx often over thinks herself and becomes worried when others are watching her and judging her ability to complete a task given. Nyx is a sweetheart when she is around pups and tries to set a positive role for them.
Pack: Rustling wind
Rank: Queen
Desired Rank: Delta
Crush: Aqui
Mate: Summit (deceased)
Pups: will be having three looking for two rpers just message me
Other: This is really exciting.
Example of Writing: (only required if you desire the alpha/beta position)

Name: Pyro
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years and 3 months
Decription: Pyro is a medium gray male wolf with different shades of gray mixed into him with his medium gray color. He has amber colored eyes that seem to suck wolfs into him and melt in awe. He has a lean build and has short ragged fur that tends to smooth down. But it will rustle up in the wind around his neck area where there is long fur.
Personality: Pyro is a happy wolf enjoying life to the fullest what it has to offer. He is sweet and kind to others as long as they are nice in return. Wolves in the pack call him a flirt because he flirts with all the available she wolves there. Sometimes needing to be put in place is the right thing to do for him.
Pack: Little Valley
Rank: Delta
Desired Rank: N/A
Crush: TBD
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Example of Writing: (only required if you desire the alpha/beta position)

Last edited on 2016-11-12 at 19:03:25 by Daphne101

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#73657 Posted on 2016-10-28 10:41:41


Free River Pack
Alpha: OPEN
Beta: OPEN
Deltas: N/A
Queens: N/A
Pups: N/A

Little Valley Pack
Alpha: OPEN
Beta: OPEN
Queens: N/A
Pups: N/A

Rustling Wind Pack
Alpha: OPEN
Beta: Aqui
Deltas: N/A
Pups: N/A

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#74632 Posted on 2016-11-05 18:10:39

Decription:Mako is a sliver colored wolf with the tips of his ears black along with the tip of his tail, his eyes are a dark baby blue.He has a slim but strong build, hes quick and light on his feet.His fur is a medium length just long enough to keep him warm during winter and cold nights.
Personality:Mako is the quiet type and tends to just keep to himself so it can be hard to get to know him at times , though he is mostly quiet he will not stand for someone hurting anyone from his pack and will do anything to protect them. Once you get to know him hes a friend for life and will stick up for you even if he thinks your in the wrong.
Pack: Little Valley
Desired Rank:Delta
Other: Cant wait :)
Example of Writing: (only required if you desire the alpha/beta position)

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#75373 Posted on 2016-11-11 18:55:50


Please spread the word so we can get this started! Try not to spam though lol :P

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#75514 Posted on 2016-11-12 19:28:41

Name: Codex
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 5 and 6 months
Decription: Codex is a light red brown male wolf with golden orbs. Often over looked he stands tall like a alpha and has a lean muscular build for him. His fur is short and smooth lying flat on his pelt. Codex has a rather taller build to him than most wolves he is around.
Personality: Codex is a hot-headed grumpy wolf in the pack when he gets into an argument over something. He sticks up for what is right to him and others in the pack around him. Codex likes others if they are his friend and don't betray him. If you are a friend you better not lie to him or else he holds a grudge on that wolf and that wolf has to prove themselves to him.
Pack: Free River Pack
Rank: Alpha
Desired Rank: N/A
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Example of Writing: (only required if you desire the alpha/beta position)
Codex growled hearing the two wolves in his pack bicker at each other throwing insults back to one another. Taking a growl he jumped off his rock he was sitting on and made his way to the two male wolves stepping in between them. "Vulture and Argon that's enough from both of you!" the red brown male snapped at both of them. "We need to work together to make this pack work out." he said swinging his head from side to side to look at them. Taking a breath he closed his golden orbs and then opened them as he sat down to listen to the story to try to resolve the argument. After learning the argument was about patrols he assigned them both teamwork exercises to get along and the make the pack listen. Taking a breath of calmness he smiled and mumbled to himself "I love this position" with a wag of his tail.

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#75559 Posted on 2016-11-13 07:28:23

Accepted! :)

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#75566 Posted on 2016-11-13 09:27:22

thank you oswin

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#75572 Posted on 2016-11-13 10:23:55

What ranks are currently open?

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#75573 Posted on 2016-11-13 10:28:21

Free River Pack
Alpha: Codex
Beta: Open
Deltas: N/A
Queens: N/A
Pups: N/A

Little Valley Pack
Alpha: OPEN
Beta: OPEN
Queens: N/A
Pups: N/A

Rustling Wind Pack
Alpha: OPEN
Beta: Aqui
Deltas: N/A
Pups: N/A

Last edited on 2016-11-13 at 10:29:23 by Oswin

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#76698 Posted on 2016-11-23 14:10:14

Name: Chronos
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year
Description: Chronos is a jet black wolf with silver streaks of fur on the back of his neck, face, and paws. Eyes are a dark cobalt blue that draws in others who make eye contact. He has a lean but muscular build and is usually found much shorter than most wolves. His coat is thick and sticks up in odd places sometimes though it usually stays somewhat flatter to the body.
Personality: Chronos is a calm, attentive wolf that would much rather keep to the sidelines than the center of attention. His loyalty to the pack can sometimes be tested but he can surely keep any secret ever told to him. Rushing into things isn't of his specialty as he would rather wait long hours thinking it through before action is ever taken on his part. He is really stubborn about his ways which can be troublesome at times, but he is very willing if someone proves him otherwise wrong.
Pack: Little Valley
Rank: Delta
Desired Rank: N/A
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Example of Writing: (only required if you desire the alpha/beta position)

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#76731 Posted on 2016-11-23 16:58:41


I would like it a lot if we could have alpha and beta spots filled. If not those spots, then other spots in the Free River or Rustling Wind. Thanks!

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#76926 Posted on 2016-11-25 12:54:20

Name: Sniper
Nickname: Ritz
Gender: female
Age: 2 1/2 years old
Decription: a dark brown, almost black wolf with distinct yellow eyes. She has a spot of white on her chin and a white patch on her chest that ends at her belly. Half of her tail is missing as well as the top of her left ear
Personality: she is an extremely loyal wolf, not afraid to follow any command her alpha or beta may give her. She is known for being aggressive and not afraid to fight the other deltas for a better position in the pecking order.
Pack: free river pack
Rank: delta
Desired Rank: n/a
Crush: n/a
Mate: n/a
Pups: n/a
Other: her name was originally Ritz before she was known for catching almost anything she put her sights on, so at the age of 1 she gained the nickname sniper which eventually became her new name

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