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Vote Windspun for EV ApHC president

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Vote Windspun for EV ApHC president

#72407 Posted on 2016-10-18 09:20:11

As a past president of the EV ApHC, I am hoping members will once again vote for me as the next month's club president. As I'm off work indefinately with medical issues, I have the time to commit to the club.

If elected, I have some new ideas in mind that include:
- club competition that doesn't require a lot of effort on members to participate, just entering horses
- a slight tweaking of registration guidelines that promote inclusiveness of all Appaloosa Club members
- revamping the club page
- fundraising for the club in an effort to provide better payouts for competitions/ contests
- I hope to personally donate 20% of all my credit sales directly to the ApHC. ( ie...every 5th credit sold would be a 50K donation to the club...I sell upwards of about 200 credits/month @ a flat rate of 50K each. These funds will help provide higher payouts for the specific competition I have in mind.

I'm a long time dedicated Appaloosa breeder here on EV and a past proud Appy owner in real life.
** If, on October 31st, it appears that I will have enough votes to be elected club president for November, I will post my competition idea on the 31st, as I would like to get it under way on the 1st of November. **

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ᵂˢᵖᴺ Windspun Appaloosas

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#72528 Posted on 2016-10-19 10:40:32

You have my vote Windspun :)

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#72598 Posted on 2016-10-19 16:42:13

Ty so much dear. Greatly appreciated! I voted for you on my morgan account lol

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ᵂˢᵖᴺ Windspun Appaloosas

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