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Creating a new book; again

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Creating a new book; again

#69735 Posted on 2016-09-26 15:39:49

So finally I decided to get one story down; I haven't finished it yet (Duh) but here's the prologue. I will admit it feels awesome to be getting back to what I love to do:

There have been many stories told about this mythical week, but nobody truly knows the real story. It is, indeed, a very long story, but not so long that it takes years to explain it. You just have to have to have the passion to learn it.

It has been years since this story has been told. It’s an old story about seven girls, and their quest to defeat evil, but whenever this myth is claimed to be true, evil was never defeated, and it was rumored that the seven apparently never tried to defeat it. After a couple of years of this rumor happening, people finally gave up on this story of old, and for two-hundred years it was never claimed to be true; until now.
An older lady, at the age of ninety-five, wrote down everything she knew about this myth two-hundred years ago. She knew more than most people, for she was one of those seven with the power that everybody said was given to her with the future of this myth. However, the true story became distorted, and nobody knew the true reality of it. This woman, Annabeth, hid away what she wrote, and nobody found it, until a couple decades ago.

(Skip about… a very long time later)

Soren, a strong willed, loving boy of twelve years, crept quietly into the darkness with his flashlight. It was a beautiful warm night, and he couldn’t help himself with getting out of bed to go explore more of the amazing world he lived so peacefully in; much to his parents’ dismay. He didn’t realize how far he had ventured until he about ran face first into a wall. As he stood there, half shocked, he studied the wall in front of him. After about an hour of studying this thing while walking in circles around it, he came to the conclusion that was a house, a very old house. With the little light he had, Soren found the entrance (or what was left of it) and went in.
The house inside was damaged majorly, and looked as though it had been sitting there for many, many years without care. Soren walked lightly through the house, trying his hardest to not trip over any fallen beams. The roof was almost completely gone, and most of what was so called “upstairs” was wrecked, but nonetheless, he found the stair case and went up. When he finally found his way up, through beams and torn down handrails, what he saw there was awful. What looked like bones scattered the floor and slash marks covered just about everything. Apart from other horrifying things that were scattered around everywhere (these things were not recorded, for apparently it was too terrible to talk about), there was a calming magical feeling that seemed to pierce through Soren’s spirit. He stood there for a couple minuets waiting for something to release him from this terribly good feeling so that he could run back home, but the magic never went away.
Soren stood there looking everywhere, but only to become much more afraid every second. He would have liked nothing more than to go home and forget this ever happened, but still the magic pulled at him. He finally summoned up enough courage to walk half way across the room, but then stopped and closed his eyes (probably keeping down a mouthful of puke). Sounds of soft whistling noises filled his ears, making him open his eyes and look up. What he saw was fascinating, and beautiful.
What looked like blue wisps swirled quietly in front of Soren, causing him to forget everything around the floor. He got up slowly and walked towards them, but with every step he took, they moved away from him. He stopped and stared at them, a little confused. “What are you?” he asked quietly. The wisp like creatures moved over to a chest that Soren hadn’t noticed before. Soren went over to it, but was disappointed to find out the chest was locked. “No use opening this, it’s locked,” he said looking over at the wispy creatures. They just circled there as though they were waiting for him to do something. He sighed and looked over at the chest. “A little light would be nice.” He looked over at the wisp creatures again asking with his eyes if they would come over to give him light. They got a little closer but then stopped and didn’t move at all. “I won’t hurt you,” he said calmly, “But it was your idea to lead me over to open this thing up, and I can’t open it without light.” A sting of stupidity went through his spine as he thought about how he was talking to a mythical creature. Maybe it’s just a dream and I’ll wake up from it. He thought. But why would I be dreaming about wisps?
The creatures got closer to him until they were close enough to light up what he needed to see. As Soren tinkered with the chest, he talked to the wisp like creatures. “What are you and what are you doing here?” There was a small whistling reply that didn’t make any sense to Soren whatsoever. “I have no clue what that means.” One of the creatures let out a sighing noise and left the rest to go over to a piece of wood. Soren glanced over at it, but couldn’t make out what it was doing. The creature went back to the rest of them and made another whistling sound. Soren looked over at it, then the wood. “Do you want me to go over to the wood now?” Going over to the chest, one of the creatures let out a high pitched screeching noise, and then made some more whistling noises while dramatically going around the chest. Soren flinched at the sound but managed to understand what it wanted him to do. “Fine, I’ll mess with the chest for a while,” then he went back to tinkering with the chest.
After a couple of hours (Soren wasn’t sure how many), Soren finally got the chest open. By this time whatever those creatures were had fallen asleep, but were still giving off some light. Soren opened the chest and looked over at them. “I opened it,” he said a little loudly, but it did the job in waking the creatures up. In their tiredness however, they just floated there not really doing anything. Soren rolled his eyes and looked back over at the chest. There were many journals in there; Soren counted over five, but they were so old that they were almost falling apart. Soren picked one of them up softly and opened it up. Reading what he could with the little light he had, they seemed to be more mythical stories. However they weren’t just stories, they were journal entries of someone with a mythical ability. Soren became very confused but curious, and put the journal down to go find his flashlight so that he could read more clearly (he had lost his flashlight after he almost ran into the house). After searching, but not finding, he went back to the journal. But before he could get to it, one of the creatures made its high pitch noise again. When his ears stopped ringing, he looked up to realize the creature was trying to protect the journals. “Why did you want me to open the chest if I don’t get to see anything in it?” Soren asked. The creature went over to another piece of wood and wrote something down, then summoned Soren to come and read it. Soren went over there and almost had a heart attack at what he was reading. We needed your help to open the chest, but now that you have seen us, this house, and the journals, we must kill you.
“What? Why?! It’s not like I wanted to be here, or like I want to remember all of this! I helped you and you repay me by killing me? That’s stupid, immature, and very unfriendly, and I honestly really hate you guys and my curiosity right now. Please let me live and I won’t say a word to anyone!” The wisp type creature made a noise that indicated it didn’t agree. It went to kill Soren but when it got close enough to him, it stopped suddenly. It made another noise that sounded as though it wasn’t going to kill him, but Soren wasn’t convinced enough to stay where he was. He took a couple steps back then looked at the creature. “What is it?” The creature went up to the wall and wrote out something.
You are related to the person who wrote these journals, and since you found them, you are the rightful owner to them.
Soren starred at the writing. “Is this some kind of joke?” The creature made a noise that sounded like “no”. Soren walked slowly over to the journals. “So I can take these journals home?” The wisp went over to the wall again and wrote more. You must keep it a secret until the time has come. You will know when the time is, but until then, you may not tell anyone. Can you do this?
Soren nodded, “Ya, I can keep it a secret.” He picked up the journals and walked over to the piece of wood that one of the creatures had written on before and read it. We are fragments of who used to live here. She died a long time ago, and now we are here to guide the next generation. Soren nodded, and then looked up to see that the sun was rising. “Oh, darn… I’m going to be in so much trouble. I have to go; I hope to see you again one day.” Soren smiled and left the house then ran back home, thinking about everything that had just happened.

(Skip ten years later)

Daniele seated herself down at the table a little overjoyed. She had just explained to her husband that she was pregnant again, but as usual her husband just stood there looking at the floor.
“What is it, Soren?” she asked her husband calmly.
Soren looked up at her. “You know that myth that your parents used to tell you and your siblings as kids?” Daniele nodded. “Do you really believe it’s just a story?” Soren asked a little shakily.
“Well, it’s never been proven true, so yes, I believe it’s just a story. Unless, of course, someone could prove it’s true. But what does that have to with the fact that I’m pregnant?”
Soren looked back down at the floor. “If it is true, and let’s say I was related to someone who was part of this ‘story’, then one of our children could possibly be part of the next line?” Soren tried to make it sound as none true as he could; he didn’t know what would happen to him if he told anyone what he knew, but she was his wife, and if one of his children did end up having powers, and she didn’t know about it, that would be unfair to her.
“Okay, literally what you just said indicated that you’re related to someone who has mythical powers, which is completely unrealistic. I’m honestly very lost right now.”
“Fine; it has been proven that I am related to someone that was part of this ‘myth’.” Soren said bluntly.
“And who may I asked proved this?” Daniele asked leaning back in her chair, giving him the look that plainly said ‘You’re acting like a child’. Soren got a little irritated at the fact that if he wanted to prove to her that it was true, he would have to show her the journals he found as a kid.
“Mythical creatures,” he said stupidly.
“Now you’re really acting like a kid.” Daniele said looking over at the door. “Can we just focus on one thing please? It’s not like that is ever going to happen anyway, so can you just stop stressing and be happy that we are having our second child?”
“Fine,” Soren said a little annoyed. He was happy that they were having another child, but he couldn’t help stressing over the fact that its life might be in danger if it did have powers.
Daniele got up and started walking away. “I’m going to go check on Freya,” she said as she disappeared. Soren stood there looking at the table. That magical feeling pulled at him again, but it wasn’t a comforting feeling this time; it was a guilty feeling. He finally shrugged the feeling away and went up stair to join Daniele and Freya.

(Sorry it's so long. It's almost four pages long. ;D)

Last edited on 2016-09-27 at 14:37:45 by Rainy Days Stable

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