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Freaking out here

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Freaking out here

#64491 Posted on 2016-08-30 17:53:53

So just now I found out that my sister has strep throat... and I think my mom's getting it too. And if my mom gets it, my whole family gets it- so I'm a little freaked right now...

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#64721 Posted on 2016-08-31 18:41:04

Stay away from them and try not to touch anything they're touching - door handles, toilet flushers, chairs, etc. and wipe it down first (and also after everyone starts feeling better, great time to deep clean). If you're going to catch it, you probably already have it because it's usually the most contagious as much as days before there are any symptoms, and that lessens about 24 hours after the first round of antibiotics is taken.

While nobody wants strep throat and it's a huge discomfort and inconvenience, it's not typically the most awful thing that could happen, so just take care of yourself really well for a few days, take your medicine as instructed, and you should be popping back up and back to your normal routine after a few days. Drink lots of water now and maybe if you catch it you won't feel (as) bad.

That said, all sicknesses are scary and I want none of them. :P

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#65080 Posted on 2016-09-02 15:26:24

Drink lots of water, as losteh said, it really does help you not feel as bad.
And my family is sick too, my dad was sick, then my little sis, and if my mom gets sick taking care of sis, then I have no idea what I'm gonna do :(

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