Name Meaning and Pronunciation |
#50567 Posted on 2016-07-02 03:51:48
So, we had a post on old EV, about our names and how to pronounce them. As some of us have some really weird names.
Here's just a few questions, you can answer.
What made you choose your name?
Does it mean anything special?
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)?
How do you pronounce it?
Preferred nicknames?
Funny things you've been called?
Do people call you it irl?
About My Name
My name is pretty boring along with the story that goes with it.
Unless you've looked on my page, then you've likely pronounced my name wrong. It's pronounced S|eye|b, weird right?
Well, it came from my first game name, Siberian Husky 101. Yeah, I was like thirteen when I came up with that. Don't judge me.
behr/madoka was the first to come up with the nickname 'Sib'. Then, all of the sudden everyone was calling me Sib. By like late 2014, I had changed my game name to Sib, as it was catchy. As well as much easier to say than the other ones.
At the time I was in love with dogs (still am), and wanted to become a dog trainer. Well, I adored huskies most of all. That's where the Siberian Husky came from. 101 came from the show I watched all the time 'Dogs 101'.
I don't plan to change my name anytime soon, as I just love it.
I don't really have any preferences on nicknames. My friends, love to make funny versions of it. Sibby, Sibbers, Sibster, etc. It's even funnier when someone misspells it or it is auto-corrected. Usually it is to Sin, Sub, Sir, or Sit.
Sometimes mattering on who they are they'll call me Sib. Mostly my mom. A few of my nicknames irl are Ash, and Little Brat (my dad calls me that. It is a long story, that could fill a book. Don't worry everyone, it's not an insult. Just a joke between me and him).
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#50841 Posted on 2016-07-03 19:56:37
What made you choose your name? DarkBucpehalus or Bucephalus is a lot to type :)
Does it mean anything special? It's short for Bucephalus, which was the name of Alexander the Great's war horse, and the man was a personal hero of mine.
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)? Nope. Had it since I was 12
How do you pronounce it? Buh-ck, or if you go fool on for Bucephalus then B-you-sef-uh-lis
Preferred nicknames? Buck.
Funny things you've been called? Lady Bug :p LOOKIN AT YOU DUCKY
Do people call you it irl? No.
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#50843 Posted on 2016-07-03 20:01:34
Hailyx pronounce "hail-ix"
It was the name of the first character I ever created for a book. It has stuck with me ever since. One day I will revisit the story I started in high school (10 years ago now!!!), work it over, and finish it.
Don't plan to change it.
I have been called that in real life a couple times. But my real name is Ashley so there's Ash, Ashers, Ashlaylay. Dad has always called me rugrat.
Last edited on 2016-07-03 at 20:38:56 by hailyx
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#50850 Posted on 2016-07-03 21:00:23
@hailyx: Same real name! Ash is my main rl nickname as I said above.
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#50855 Posted on 2016-07-03 21:20:06
What made you choose your name? If I were to ever have a ranch of my own, I would name it GWG Ranch.
Does it mean anything special? It stands for God's Will Goes as in if I had a ranch or not, it would be His will.
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)? Not really, I've tried other names with the GWG, but never liked them that much to keep it. I had GWG Kanona which Kanona is my hawaiian name in rl. I also had GWG Pelipa which means "horse lover" in Native American because I am NA in rl.
How do you pronounce it? G W G
Preferred nicknames? GWG or Ruby calls me GW
Funny things you've been called? G, GW, GWG..not many
Do people call you it irl? nope
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#50859 Posted on 2016-07-03 21:23:40
What made you choose your name? Originally I was Wiki Tiki, when I got a lot of super ponehs I set up a name change post and people suggested many. It was Sab I believe who suggested Wonder Wiki XD
Does it mean anything special? ^Splained it there
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)? No, though who knows what the future will bring.
How do you pronounce it? Wonder I think you know and if you don't know Wiki find one of the Scooby-Doo episodes or movies dealing in Wiki Tikis ; )
Preferred nicknames? Wiki, Wonder even Tiki if you remember me from years ago :)
Funny things you've been called? In real life? Milkshake and Elvis Skywalker XD want to know the stories behind those I dony mind explaining in a msg XD
Do people call you it irl? Wonder Wiki, no but Wiki Tiki yes :)
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#50863 Posted on 2016-07-03 21:44:15
What made you choose your name? I'm not sure, actually. Just an impulse, I think.
Does it mean anything special? Not really. Just tiny cute rodent.
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)? I don't know. I've thought about it. I've considered changing it to "Lady Grey", but I've been "Mouse" for this long and people know me by it now.
How do you pronounce it? Like.. the animal. Squeak, squeak. xD
Preferred nicknames? Whatever you call me is fine. I really don't mind.
Funny things you've been called? Nothing, really. Mouse is too straight-forward for anyone to call me something funny from it.
Do people call you it irl? Nope. Just here. ^_^
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#50866 Posted on 2016-07-03 21:57:36
What made you choose your name? It's a translation of my real name into Quenya.
Does it mean anything special? It means "blessedness, bliss, good fortune"
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)? No, been using it ~10 years now.
How do you pronounce it? [al.,'maː.rɛ] ~ al-MAH-reh
Preferred nicknames? Ali.
Funny things you've been called? Phyche (pronounced as Fish)
Do people call you it irl? Some of the people I first met online do.
Last edited on 2016-07-03 at 21:57:53 by Almárë
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#50875 Posted on 2016-07-03 22:49:07
What made you choose your name?
I just liked the sound of it, really. I heard it on TV once a very long time ago. I think it was the name of a dog that was on the Dog Whisperer.
Does it mean anything special?
Not that I'm aware of! I think it might just be made up tbh, but I liked it when I heard it so it stuck with me
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)?
I don't see myself changing it, I still like it. If I were to ever change it it would most likely be because I found something I liked even more.
How do you pronounce it?
I suppose it could also be "too-ler-ie" but the first one is how I've always pronounced it myself. I always spell it all lowercase just cause I like the way it looks compared to Tolarie... Not sure why hahaha
Preferred nicknames?
I don't really have any! Some people just shorten it to Tol, or I had one person refer to me as Larie ("Larry" - it was an inside joke)
Funny things you've been called?
Hmm, just Larie I suppose!
Do people call you it irl?
Not at all! It's only a name I use online, it has never come up in real life
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#50879 Posted on 2016-07-04 00:05:15
What made you choose your name? Keyboard mash that I thought looked cool at the time
Does it mean anything special? nope
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)? I've gone through a couple of names (Aryk, Aelae, Irosia[also all button mashes]) but I always come back to kimtia, or some equivalent.
How do you pronounce it? Kim Tea Ahhh :)
Preferred nicknames? I don't really care, you could say "hey you! with the face!" and I would probably reply...
Funny things you've been called? Kim, Kimmy, Kimmeh
Do people call you it irl? nope, very few people in RL knows my screen name for things, I like to keep it that way. The internet is my RL escape, and if people know my screen name I can't escape very well. xP
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#50888 Posted on 2016-07-04 04:11:21
What made you choose your name?
My favourite footballer :)
Does it mean anything special?
As above
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)?
Most probably, I'm very fickle haha :) I was Lex before this.
How do you pronounce it?
Preferred nicknames?
Anything (within reason ha)
Funny things you've been called?[\b]
Actually nothing yet!
[b]Do people call you it irl?
Nah :)
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#50891 Posted on 2016-07-04 04:55:51
My name: UlyssesBlue
What made you choose your name? Does it mean anything special?
Named after my favourite species of butterfly (which is blue)
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)?
How do you pronounce it?
Yoo-liss-eeze bloo
Preferred nicknames?
Ulysses, Uly
Funny things you've been called?
Nothing comes to mind.
Do people call you it irl?
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#50893 Posted on 2016-07-04 05:26:46
What made you choose your name?
Depends which name?
Spyder is my main name, but going by Potato Ren for now.
Spyder is based off my last name.
Potato Ren is ... well I went grom Kylo Ren to Potato Ren. It's a mixture of something i can enjoy, and my favorite character of all time. So... Potato Ren was born.
Does it mean anything special?
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)?
Spyder stays the same regardless, but if i do change it, it'll be from Spyder to Potato Ren, and Potato Ren to Spyder.
How do you pronounce it?
Preferred nicknames?
Potato Ren
Funny things you've been called?
Do people call you it irl?
Yes, Spyder
and my friends have just started calling me Potato Ren as well.
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#51581 Posted on 2016-07-07 16:22:03
What made you choose your name?
its just the name of a song from one of my favorite bands
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)?
nah, i think ill stick with this one for a while.. buttt i can never seem to settle with one name so we'll see how this goes.
How do you pronounce it?
like magician (tra-gi-shun)
Preferred nicknames?
i dont really care! patters, trag, whatever you want
Funny things you've been called?
erm, i was pattie the dance swimmer for a bit as a joke, if thats considered funny? sometimes im called patty cake, but nothing really that funny.
Do people call you it irl?
nah, they dont even know i use it.
My past names-
because ive changed it so often, why not
pattie the dance swimmer
..and probably a billion more that ive forgotten c'x
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#51593 Posted on 2016-07-07 17:34:41
@Buck LOL You're never going to let me live that down are you,? :) S'ok I like "manly bug" better!
What made you choose your name?
So 21 years ago when I was a whipper snapper of 8 and AOL was first readily accessible to the public, 8yo me decided her AOL screen name was going to be imaluckyducky with some numbers after it. I was a cheerful little tyke, right? Ducky is short for that, and it comes in part from a character in Land Before Time. For whatever reason I was always Ducky when my friends and I played pretend.
Does it mean anything special?
Old habits die hard?
Do you ever plan to change it (If so explain why)?
I tried changing my internet name once while I was am angst-ridden shy teenager. It was misspelled "Sweetly Twisted" because I was "deep" but that never stuck. Aaaalways went back to Ducky. So nope, not likely to change.
How do you pronounce it?
Preferred nicknames?
Ducky? Duckster? Duck Dodgers? Quack-a-doodle?
Funny things you've been called?
Honeybadger (Sigh)
Man-eater (Why, Britney Spears, WHY?!)
Do people call you it irl?
In highschool while I was DESPERATELY trying to be known as "sweetlytwisted" on the internet, my friends IRL on their own came up with calling me Ducky. I was so mad.
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