#46762 Posted on 2016-06-13 09:50:07
Program Name: Adobe Photoshop Elements 11
Url: http://www.adobe.com/products/elements-family.html
Free or Paid: Paid
Trial/Limited Free: 30 Day Trial Available
Online/Offline: Offline
Review:: This version has a bigger tool face and the brush menus are at the bottom instead of the top, so it takes some getting used to if you've used older versions. Otherwise it has more tool options, including a bigger brush selection. It's specifically made for photo editing but has many other users as well. Very user friendly.
Program Name: Adobe Photoshop CS4 and below
Url: Search Google
Free or Paid: Paid
Trial/Limited Free: N/A
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: Endless possibilities, stream lined tool bars and look. Some version not as user friendly as others, but excellent filter, brushes, and options available. The older the version the cheaper it is. Most likely you will only be able to find old versions online to buy like Amazon or Ebay.
Program Name: InkScape
Url: http://inkscape.org/
Free or Paid: Free, Beta Software
Trial/Limited Free: N/A
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: It's primary use is Vector art. One user says it may have issues loading once downloaded.
Program Name: PaintToolSai
Url: http://sai.detstwo.com/sai/
Free or Paid: Free and Paid available
Trial/Limited Free: Trial
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: Very easy to use, Pixeling is easy to do and you can organize folders very well. SoftBrush Tool isn't the best,if you mess around with the options a little more then you should you may screw up the brush and not know how to fix it ever again.Only downfall is that it needs to get a transparent background on another program and not the software...
Program Name: Artrage
Url: http://www.artrage.com/index.html
Free or Paid: Both
Trial/Limited Free: Both
Online/Offline: Offline?
Review: One user says it's alright, but it has problems with transparent backgrounds that may make it frustrating to use.
Program Name: Pixarra
Url: http://www.pixarra.com/
Free or Paid: Both
Trial/Limited Free: Both
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: I've not used it, but it was rated on several drawing program reviews in the top 10 2013.
Program Name: Gimp
Url: http://www.gimp.org/
Free or Paid: Free
Trial/Limited Free: N/A
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: Hated it, anyone else care to review?
Program Name: Pixlr
Url: http://pixlr.com/
Free or Paid: Free
Trial/Limited Free: N/A
Online/Offline: Online!
Review: If you've got a good internet connection that won't drop you it's alright for what it is. However I had issues with making images transparent but that was years ago, perhaps that's now fixed?
Program Name: Corel Painter
Url: http://www.corel.com/corel/
Free or Paid: Paid
Trial/Limited Free: 30 Day Trial
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: Just dl the trial, I'll update this once I use it o3o
Program Name: FireAlpaca
Url: http://firealpaca.com/en
Free or Paid: Free
Trial/Limited Free: N/A
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: It's a nice simple program. I find it an easier, free alternative to PaintToolSAI. Although it may lack some drawing tools, it's still rather good to use if you want something simple and carton-like.
Program Name: Manga Studio ?
Url: http://manga.smithmicro.com/
Free or Paid: You have to buy it, But i think you can try it, as on their website is says "try/buy"
Trial/Limited Free: I think so, as stated above.
Online/Offline: Offline
Review: My sisters uses it and I've tested it, Its pretty good although like most programmes it probably takes some getting used too.
Program Name: Paint.net
Url: http://www.getpaint.net/
Free or Paid: Free.
Trial/Limited Free: None.
Online/Offline: Offline.
Review: This, despite my original thoughts, works quite well. The brushes are very smooth, and it allows a lot of freedom for a beginning artist. I downloaded it ages ago, and I haven't used it ever since I got SAI, but I never remembered having any problems. It's a great alternative for PAINT users, and it acts a lot like SAI, Photoshop, and GIMP, yet it has a very simple interface. I would definately recommend it to a younger audience who wanted to expand thier possibilities. However, for someone who is used to Photoshop and/or SAI, it doesn't seem very helpful any more. Another bonus- it downloads fairly quickly and it's completely free!
Program Name: Mischief
Url: http://www.madewithmischief.com/
Free or Paid: Free for 15 days, but can uninstall and reinstall for free forever (doesn't take long either)
Trial/Limited Free: The free trail is not limited
Online/Offline: Download it online, but can be used offline
Really liked this program, really good for painting. It has infinite zoom, which is really great, can export as JPEG, PNG or PSD, can choose whatever resolution you like. Basically a vector program though so pixeling doesn't happen... At all.
Program Name: Sumopaint
Url: http://www.sumopaint.com/app/
Free or Paid: Free, but you can pay to unlock more features
Trial/Limited Free: Nope
Online/Offline: Online
Review: I used it for cartoons for a period of time, but the file conversions are a real pain. If you are alright with conversions then you can use this.
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#46798 Posted on 2016-06-13 11:39:01
Just to note, if you're interested in the Adobe product line but are reluctant to pay, you can download Adobe CS2 (or their programs individually) for free on the official Adobe website. All it requires is registering with Adobe to create an Adobe ID (free) to access the downloads.
You do not need to know coding to work an art program, they're not too hard to figure out at first. If you get stuck, there's always tutorials and other artists to ask for help.
Gimp is an ideal starter program for budding artists and is rated on the same level as Photoshop in terms of it's features, however it can get a little confusing. I used Gimp 2.6 for two years before I obtained Adobe CS4, and personally I wouldn't go back to using Gimp when I have Photoshop. Basically a free but slightly confusing version of Photoshop.
If you're looking to get into art, don't do it for the 'money', do it because you really really want to and enjoy making art. Good artists take lots and lots of time to practice their work and only sell their best/quality pieces when they've reached an acceptable standard. Too many people on here do art just for the money, and as a result don't really improve when churning out the same level of work all the time. :/
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