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Dumbest/Smartest Thing Your Horse Has Done?

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Dumbest/Smartest Thing Your Horse Has Done?

#43342 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:31:12

Oh my god haha I am loving all of these stories!

@Pistol: That sounds seriously painful D:
Have you seen that video of the girl introducing her horse to water, where he gets really into it? The horse ends up wading in belly-deep and splashing around with his forelegs, soaking his rider haha

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#43370 Posted on 2016-06-01 22:13:00

My stupidity my horses smartness.
My gelding is a very unpredictable creature. We got him an he was abused severely. He really belongs to my sister but on trails she knows she has to ride my been there done that mare.
So we have five miles of forest preserve to ride on. Two loops one small one huge. The huge one has two streams and lots of forest riding on half maintained trails. I say half as only the small loop is maintained and part of it runs along the big trail. My sister and I go out around noon and decide the big loop would be fun. Twords the end we get lost. By the time we got back to the barn it was eight. My barn owner was ticked. Apparently there was a girl who would do night riding and get the stable in trouble. Was our second time on the trail. The gelding was the most well behaved gentleman you ever seen. Even when we rode back along the busy road.

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#43801 Posted on 2016-06-03 08:38:54

My horse goes under fences... UNDER not through, not over but under, she plays LIMBO, doesnt matter if its on or not, wood or not. Round pen panels are escape proof however. This goes for stall guards, rope across something, forget it, its limbo for the win.

and then theres this which is self explanatory:

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#43840 Posted on 2016-06-03 10:52:01

@tolarie: Yeah! I found that hilarious lol. I'm riding another horse atm so I want to introduce him to water.

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#43992 Posted on 2016-06-03 23:17:55

@Pistol: The mare I ride 98% of the time will run through water - ie: giant puddle one time at a show that was in the ring, or on xc she has no problem running through it. But puddles on a path? Not a chance she's even gonna step in it. I was coming out of a warm up ring one time at a show so I had long reins and she literally pulled a u-turn to avoid a puddle. I'm not even kidding ahaha. If you're leading her and there's a puddle on the path, she'll either try and walk REALLY close to you to avoid stepping in it, or if you give her slack on the lead, she'll walk around it and then come back to you on the other side. She's ridiculous haha I love her.

Edit: or if you ride her outside after its been raining she'll avoid the wet bits on the track while you warm up, but when you start jumping she splashes right through without a care

Last edited on 2016-06-03 at 23:19:28 by tolarie

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#45823 Posted on 2016-06-08 21:30:33

My thoroughbred gelding, The Hassler aka Tommy, was out grazing around my house one day/night. I heard a splashing sound, so ran outside thinking one of my stupid cats had got into our above ground swimming pool....Ran out to find 16.2hands of chestnut TB standing in the middle of the pool having a drink!! Thank heavens it was only normal water in the pool, not chlorinated etc!

Another one, I had moved my car out of its carport and was washing it in one of the paddocks (water saving-wash car, water part of the paddock at same time). First my old mare, Mindy, comes up and starts trying to eat the sponge. Then she pinches the hose and sprays me. I clean up the mess, finish the car, drive it back around to its carport, to find Tommy in there throwing bits and pieces around.

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#48029 Posted on 2016-06-19 03:12:18

Jorie once stuck a tiny branch in one of his nostrills during our walk xD

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#50093 Posted on 2016-06-29 16:12:55

smartest thing: learned to push open the gate by himself. I didn't even teach him xD

Dumbest thing: When he was little, he was out on the pasture with the other 3 year olds. They were cantering around when they neared a tree. All the other horses turned, while he slammed into the tree headfirst. To this day, his missing one of his front teeth xD I'll take a picture tomorrow

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#101120 Posted on 2017-04-14 23:23:40

I work at a barn... so I see a lot of stupid things.

-A horse picked up an orange traffic cone, started playing with it and swinging it around... the horse next to him started pinning his ears.

-A horse had a stick in his mouth and poked his friend in the nose. The friend started getting annoyed and rearing, trying to get him to stop.... He didn't.

-I was cantering and the horse tripped and without skipping a beat, kept cantering.

-Spooking at a yellow jacket trap on a fence

-Spooking at a squirrel scampering in the grass

-Spooking/bolting at a trailer

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#101214 Posted on 2017-04-15 17:58:40

Let's See I have one of each super smart and silly and super dumb.

Let's start with the super smart one. We had four horse one was my Mom's one was my Brothers and one belonged to me. The last was a rescued mare that my mom and i fell in love with. We had four padlocks and during the summer we would rotate them to allow the grass to grow back. The horses had been moved from the largest padlock to the medium one to allow the grass to regrow. my brothers horse had figured out how to untie the ropes we used to close the gate. He would wait until all the other horses had moved into the larger padlock. Then he would start to nicker until some one would come out. We would find the other horses out in the larger padlock and my brother's horse in the padlock he was suppose to be in. We would round up all the other horses and chance them back into the correct padlock. Then we would give my brother's horse a treat for being a good boy. Needless to say it took us about three or four time before we figured out he was letting them out.

The other story was dumb pain in the tushy horse that i worked with in exchange for lessons and riding. The barn that i was working at had gotten a few new horses from a place that the lady didn't have time to care for them any more. They had been for the ladies kids to ride and they had since out grown the love for horses. So i took the younger of the two mares out on a trail ride to see how she would ride and how well she would handle the paths. The two trails we did at the barn passed two lakes one was pretty shallow but the other one went pretty deep. When we got to the path between the two lakes the mare grabbed the bit and took off with me. Yep you guessed it right into the lake we went her me saddle and all. It took me about thirty mins to get her out of the lake we were both wet and muddy but ok. the saddle wasn't so lucky. Needless to say when we would ride that trail in the summer i would make sure to only ride with a bareback pad that way if we went swimming again at least we wouldn't ruined any more saddles.

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#101215 Posted on 2017-04-15 17:59:16

The last one was when my son was little i had set him on the back of my quarter/Arabian gelding to take some pictures I was standing on the other side out of camera range. We took the pictures and i went to take my son off his back. He moved away from me and walked a few circles with my son on his back. When my son started to slip he would stop wait for him to right himself and then walk on. once they had made two or three circles my gelding brought him back. I thought it was so cool. Also i had never trained the horse to stop if some one was slipping. That gelding was the best barn baby sitter in the world.

Last edited on 2017-04-15 at 18:07:42 by Magic Happens

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#101385 Posted on 2017-04-17 00:51:00

My little Arab does so many silly things on a daily basis... what to choose? haha
I do hunter/jumper with my horse *Alfie* and he's amazing at it - loves it so much! The only thing is that he's afraid of knocking down poles. I know right? He hates the noise of it behind him. It's something we're working on, but for the time being at least we'll never get a fault in jumper!
Another silly thing is that when I first got Alfie, he was scared of one corner in the arena. He was terrified to go over there and would spook at anything. So one day I had my first lesson with him (like I had ridden for 3 years before this, but it was my first actual lesson on him). My instructor wanted me to do some transitions in that end of the arena. I'm not sure what it was (there's turkeys and barn cats at my barn that like rustling around in the bushes so there's a lot he could've spooked at), but he spun around to face whatever it was, and then bolted for it. Long story short, I fell off (actually one of the least painful falls I've had lol). Luckily he's a good boy and didn't run too far lol. He just stayed about 10 feet away from me so I could get up and make sure I was okay.
The end lol

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