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Andalusian Stallion or Mare. Buy or Stud.

ForumsLooking For... → Andalusian Stallion or Mare. Buy or Stud.

Andalusian Stallion or Mare. Buy or Stud.

#39729 Posted on 2016-05-21 05:34:34

To pair with Typhoon and replace her poor partner whose been dealt a crappy deal with stat gain apparently. -.-

Would prefer to buy but also willing to purchase a breeding for late. Must fit all requirements.

Must be similar in age.
700+ stats.
Colour does not matter.
Conformation does not matter.
Must be uncommon or rare pedigree, all will be checked.

If selling: No foals!! At maximum 1 foal but I prefer to do 1 public breeding and 2 private breedings with my own horses.
If studding: Must guarantee of only 1-3 foals being bred from that stallion.

Will look at mares, preferably able to genderswap so no foals but will consider those with one foal.

Please post a link to your horse and a price, if not sure on a price then name a minimum bid.

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