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Conformation Tips?

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Conformation Tips?

Conformation Tips?

#39104 Posted on 2016-05-18 09:07:37

Heyo, I'm trying a little project to try and see if I can start off with some foundation horses and end up with a decently statted/conformation herd at the end without breeding outside of the EC foundations.

Do y'all have any tips on how to go about getting the best conformation?

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#39106 Posted on 2016-05-18 09:22:18

i think we're all still learning as we go, since the whole inheritance of conformation is new with this recode, and no one's gotten EC horses purchased post-recode up to the typical breeding age of 20 years old yet.

i've dabbled a bit, even though it was an obvious hit on foal stats.

i started by getting as many 'good' traits as possible in a foundation horse. i think i tossed 30 or 40 arabians in the RC in order to meet my personal goal of "no more than 2 poor traits".

i then paired them up based on conformation, but did more than just made sure no pair had poors in the same trait and actually made sure that their chosen mate had the highest possible "goods" in the horses' poor traits. (that was another 20 or so horses in the RC!).

from what i've seen, all foundies post-recode will have between 40 and 60 in conformation score, and will have only Poor or Good traits. You mgiht be able to find some stores that have poor/awful/excellent, but those likely were created pre-recode.
also, for what it is worth, it seems that custom horses tend to have higher conformation than horses bought from the EC. I have yet to have a custom with any Poor traits at all - all have been "good".

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