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ISO warmblood or Gypsy Vanner tag

ForumsLooking For... → ISO warmblood or Gypsy Vanner tag

ISO warmblood or Gypsy Vanner tag

#35729 Posted on 2016-05-01 21:31:34

Hey guys,

I'm new to this art buying business, so I'd like to start with something small. A nice, simple little tag with either a Dutch warmblood (any non-gray color - chestnut, bay, or black and roan, Tobiano, or solid) or a solid Gypsy Vanner (non-gray). Some of the cartoon tags are cute, but I don't want something entirely animated-looking.

If you have made any tags that fit this description or that you would be able to re-color to fit, please post (you may watermark!) and a price quote.



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