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Only the Strong Survive

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Only the Strong Survive

#170678 Posted on 2018-05-15 13:28:01

Name: Alcatraz Run (mare racehorse name)
Nickname: Alcatraz
Age: 3
Gender: Mare
Desired Rank: Alpha Mare or Beta Mare
Rank: Elite
Personality: Smart, cunning, witty, brave, fast, loyal, caring, sensitive, kind, fun to hang out with, will stick up for others if she sees others are being picked on. Alcatraz can be a very flirty horse and is looking for a stallion.

History: Alcatraz was born to the fastest mare and stallion and is now faster then them both. She was a skinny, wobbly foal with way too long legs. She was frowned upon by all the other horses. When she was weaned the alpha walked over to her to throw her out. But she ran. She ran until her legs buckled under her. She ran back, and stared up at the alpha. Give me a chance she whispered. The alpha sighed and walked away. To this day Alcatraz Run still loves to run. It is her passion, her life, and the only way she will be able to stay in the herd.

Description: A bay horse with fur that seemed to reflect the sun. Alcatraz has high withers and shoulders that stick out. She is an all bay horse except for a white stripe down her face and a white sock on one leg that went up to her knee.
Crush: Looking for a stallion
Family: Dad was kicked out of herd and mom passed away two weeks ago
Other Notes: None

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