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Weekly treat trade?

ForumsItem Sales → Weekly treat trade?

Weekly treat trade?

#275595 Posted on 2024-10-17 09:05:08

I use carrots, turnips, green apples, and yellow apples, and seem to get a plethora of red apples instead! Would anyone be interested in a weekly trade (items I use for the red apples)? Or even a one time trade?

I also have a massive amount of sugar cubes and hay cubes. I only use riding schools once per week, but I have a gigantic herd of horses, so I still get a bunch! If someone could use them, I'd also be willing to trade them for the aforementioned treats!

There is currently a bundle of 300+ red apples listed on the market place trades, if anyone is interested!

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#275596 Posted on 2024-10-17 12:08:19

I use a lot of red apples and have a lot of carrots, green apples, and yellow apples I dont use as much I could trade. 

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