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Depositing/withdrawing EVC's

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Depositing/withdrawing EVC's

#269601 Posted on 2023-06-15 12:51:12

So I just thought about this....

You know how we can deposit/withdraw Money?
Why cant there be the same thing for EVC's? 

Like what if someone wants to save up for say a deluxe membership and wants to set the EVC they already have aside so that amount doesnt get used?

let me know what you guys think about this idea. I would love the input on this.  I have been wanting to save up for a deluxe membership for 1 year so it would be a great idea to have something similar to what we have for the money.

- Juniper

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#269618 Posted on 2023-06-17 04:11:46

I don't really see the point of it. You get interest on deposited EVD in the bank, but there's no interest on credits. If you want to save up for deluxe, what's keeping you from just not using them? There's very few parts of the game wher you can use credits, I don't see how you could really 'accidentally' use them. Besides the credit shop, the only places to use them (I think?) are in the Equine Centre after you reach your 50 horse/week maximum, custom horses, and swapping specialities for the 2nd+ time.

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#269619 Posted on 2023-06-17 04:17:34

I think if credit buying options like in horse sales were a thing I would use a credit bank/vault to avoid accidental buys. Since I've done that plenty time with EVD when trying to make offers and accidentally autobuy the horse with the enter key. 

But as it stands currently I wouldn't have much use for it personally since you actively have to choose to spend those credits right now. 

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