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The Lion King (TLK Fan Club Official RP)

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The Lion King (TLK Fan Club Official RP)

#26948 Posted on 2016-04-04 19:35:43

*darkness, then suddenly*

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba! [Here comes a lion, Father]
Sithi uhm ingonyama [Oh yes, it's a lion]

*as the sunrise comes up*

Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama

Siyo Nqoba [We're going to conquer]
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open place]

[Chant repeats]

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round[/I]

The animals walking up the hill suddenly reveals where they are heading; a large grayish brown rock with a blue hornbill flying overhead, and heading straight towards the rock. He lands at the feet of a large, handsome, and proud looking lion who is overlooking the entire Savannah. He sternly looks at the bird who bows to him and then looks at the lion; then nods with a proud smile. Then, a gray mandrill walking with a staff suddenly appears, the animals making way, bowing to him respectfully, and the lion smiles with delight. The mandrill climbs up Pride Rock and he is greeted with a hug from the lion. Then, they both look to their right with happy smiles. Mufasa walks over to a proud lioness, who happily rubs against him, with their pride happily looking on from behind on their rocks. Sarabi then looks down at the bundle of fur she is holding, licks it, and the little cub looks up with bright eyes.

*This chant continues throughout the entire interaction between Mufasa, Sarabi, and Rafiki with the cub.
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open place]

Rafiki looks at the cub with a delighted smile, plays with him with the fruit that is hanging from his staff, then breaks a fruit open, spreads some of the juice on the cub's head, and sprinkles sand on the cub; who sneezes, Mufasa looks on with wonder, and then the cubs parents looks on with pride as they nuzzle each other. Rafiki picks up the cub, holds him securely, and carries him out to the ledge of Pride Rock while his parents look at each other with pride and joy. The animals look on with anticipation and then Rafiki presents the cub; to which all the animals cry out in their happy voices as they gaze upon their new king. The song starts up again just as Rafiki presents the cub............

It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life

It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life

*darkness suddenly fades, as the title comes up*

The Lion King

Last edited on 2017-08-16 at 15:38:13 by πŸ’– Feathered Gold πŸ’–

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#27161 Posted on 2016-04-05 13:36:26

*begin RP*

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#27177 Posted on 2016-04-05 13:56:05

Two cubs wander in the Outlands. They are alone. No family, no home. They stick together. They are their only family, their only friends.

Safi - White lion cub
Safi looked at the darkening sky with brown eyes filled with worry. He looked away for a moment to look at his dear sister. Jala, dearest Jala, the only thing in his life he was attached to emotionally. He tried to stay strong for Jala, but it was hard. Being a young cub alone in the world, protecting your younger sister - it was hard. Safi again looked at the darkening sky streaked with beautiful rays of deep scarlet, bright orange, and gold. Pink and purple graced the undersides of fluffy clouds. For a moment Safi let all his worries slip away in that moment. He just wanted a moment to enjoy himself. Then he looked again at the sky separate from the glory and frowned inwardly. He would never do that visibly, for his sister's sake. Time to start looking for shelter. Way past time.

Jala - Dark brown lioness cub
Jala looked at the sky along with her brother, but didn't think once about the dark at first. All she saw was the beauty in the colors colliding together. But as the light drew deeper into a smaller bunch together, she noticed the dark. They should have found a shelter long ago. A shiver went through Jala's body. When Safi set off, she followed gratefully. They needed to beat the receding dark. As she followed her brother, she noticed how his gleaming white fur rippled with the strong muscles underneath. She was struck by a pang of sadness. Though she was young, every once in a while she thought what it would be like if they had a pride. Safi would be a desired lion when he grew up. Jala looked down at her small paws. She was small, petite - no lion would want a lioness like her. Her dark chocolate pelt was ugly in her opinion. Her icey blue eyes undesirable. She shook her head. Survival was more important than mating or love. Yes, she needed to focus, keep a look out for a possible resting place. A safe resting place.

Last edited on 2016-04-05 at 14:39:11 by Oswin

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#27186 Posted on 2016-04-05 14:12:29

(If those cubs are not with a pride, then they are just outside the Pridelands, in the Outlands.) Just ignore this. -_-

Soon after the ceremony of presenting the future king, Sarabi left her son with her best friend Sarafina, and mother of Nala to lead the other lionesses on a hunt. However, she was worried about something, and expressed her concern to her mate. "Mufasa, your brother did not show up for the ceremony. Where is he?" Mufasa, a little ticked off when he realized his younger brother did not show up, growled, and sent Zazu ahead to find out whether something was wrong. He may have been annoyed, but loved his brother with all his heart, and wanted to make sure he was okay.

*Can someone PLEASE play the part of Scar and Zazu???

Last edited on 2016-04-05 at 14:46:32 by Feathered Gold

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#27199 Posted on 2016-04-05 14:39:51

(Me will play Scarrr... Also I had them in the Pridelands because they don't know the boundaries)

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#28128 Posted on 2016-04-07 16:39:44

Scar mumbled to himself about how unfair life was. "I should have been king, not that excuse for a lion Mufasa!" he growled. A small mouse darted from it's home in the cave wall. It snuffed around a bit, catching Scar's eye. He let it walk around just a little more, and then he pinned it with his paw. Lifting it off the ground - the mouse struggling - Scar holds it so that they are eye to eye. "Life isn't fair, is it? You see, I... I shall never be king."

(sorry gotta go so can't finish that)

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#28289 Posted on 2016-04-07 21:16:04

Zazu flew towards where Scar tended to hang out, figuring he find him there, and spied him. He appeared to be talking to himself, flew around outside his cave, and shook his head. "That lion is crazy. No wonder Mufasa was made the king." He said to himself as he flew around.

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#29215 Posted on 2016-04-10 12:01:25

(Um... I don't know what to do so this won't be true to the movie xD)

Scar looked out to see that annoying bird Zazu fluttering about. He turned back to the mouse and waved it around a bit. It seemed terrified, and that made him grin. Suddenly, that annoying bird flew into Scar's cave! Scar dropped the mouse, which hurried to safety. Growling angrily, Scar turned back to Zazu, who ended up "somehow" in Scar's mouth.

Safi looked around quickly, blinking the sleep from his eyes. Dawn. He uncurled his body and stretched, peeking out of the log he had taken refuge in. The sun had already started its ascent. His sister was still sleeping soundly, obviously worn out from the late night awake. Safi didn't want to leave her alone, but knew they needed to eat. He also knew they were not able to find food easily. He sighed and plopped back down with a soft thud. He glanced at his sister quickly, hoping he hadn't woken her. Good, she still slept soundly. He yawned and watched the sun rise little by little while he wallowed in his thoughts.

Jala jerked awake, yawning and blinking. She looked around, confused for a moment. She quickly regained her composure. She had had another dream about a happy pride living together. How much she longed for the mother in her dream who bathed her and loved her! Jala turned to see Safi, already awake, looking out of the log at the sun, which was almost clear of the horizon. "Safi?" she whispered. He looked at her. "Should we go look for food?" He nodded slowly, turning back a moment to ponder his thoughts. Jala sighed and stood. "Come on, Safi." She stepped lightly on his tail to jerk him from his thoughts. "Alright, alright," he murmured, standing.

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#29235 Posted on 2016-04-10 13:09:41

"Scar!!!!! Drop him......." Mufasa ordered from the ledge above Scar's cave entrance as he glared at his brother. Zazu's beak poked out of Scar's mouth to say, "Impeccable timing your majesty!!!!!"

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#29247 Posted on 2016-04-10 13:53:36

Scar muttered after he spit Zazu out of his mouth, quickly turning to acknowledge his brother. "Why! If it isn’t my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.”

(is that the wrong place for the quote?)

Last edited on 2016-04-10 at 13:54:02 by Oswin

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#29281 Posted on 2016-04-10 16:16:43

(Nope!!! :D)

"Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of our son!!!! Where were you?! I was worried, thinking you were sick, but here I find you trying to eat my major-domo!!!! You are perfectly fine, so why weren't you at the ceremony?" Mufasa asked, a bit irked, while Zazu busily cleaned the disgusting lion drool off his feathers from the safety of Mufasa's shoulder.

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#117800 Posted on 2017-08-13 18:21:24

(Anyone want to RP with me? Any members from The Lion King Fan Club?)

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