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Scale leisure riding XP gain

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Scale leisure riding XP gain

#260418 Posted on 2022-09-12 19:05:32

I've been doing leisure riding a lot recently to get backgrounds, and something has been bugging me.

The event where you find a pouch of money on a fence that gives you either $20 (I think?) or 100xp. 

Worked great for levelling up my alts. But it is the silliest event ever for this account. I need 978 400 xp to get to level 19. It just doesn't make sense to me why the same amount is given for a level 1 account and a higher level account that have vastly different xp needs.

I don't even know if there's any bonus to levelling up my account, it just bugs me that this event is almost completely useless to me. I like leisure riding, but this is just 1 example of the reason why it feels like it isn't worth doing - the rewards are awful!

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#260522 Posted on 2022-09-16 16:48:02

I agree. The rewards for leisure riding need to be adjusted to match the economy. I stopped doing it because it's a waste of time, IMO. I get annoyed when I only got $1... what a great find... it was kinda like a slap in the face when I first started because I struggled to survive in this economic state. If the admins aren't willing to fix the economy issue, they should at least adjust everything else so non-artist players can get filthy rich without selling the arts.

Last edited on 2022-09-16 at 16:49:39 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#260527 Posted on 2022-09-17 04:46:42

I think when the leisure text was written that those amounts are intended to be a joke/sarcasm form. Leisure riding is just a chance of stats/exp gain, not necessarily a guaranteed way. Training and showing/schools are the most reliable way to gain player exp. Most players just use it for the chance of adding a couple extra stats onto their horses, or for the treat drops you can get.

 You can see what level unlocks what in the help section under Accounts, and if you look at the development roadmap in Equiverse Chat (the doc), level unlocks are under things to be adjusted/implemented in the future.

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