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Rider Requests

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Rider Requests

#259961 Posted on 2022-08-16 18:22:15

Hi, this idea comes from another game I play and think it work here. Also its fun trying to find the horse that fits.

SO each day you get 3 requests.
Can say I want a Bay horse-- will pay say 1000, --this is an easy one
Medium one is I want a Black Stallion with a certain point stat say 20 in Endurance
Hard ones are a certain breed, gender, colour and stat point

You get to know the colours, and bring in a but more doe if you can find the horse that fits.

IF it says "I want to grow with my horse as a team" they would take horses under 3year, if says "I want a jumping horse with 30 in agility" then they only take adult horses

You can make tons of different ideas to play with and the money awarded can be played with too. this is just an example

Last edited on 2022-08-20 at 17:08:04 by Raielle

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#260041 Posted on 2022-08-21 20:09:45

Is this referring to horses pulled from the Equine Center?

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