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LF: Charries to be turned to horses

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LF: Charries to be turned to horses

#256423 Posted on 2022-04-13 06:30:36

Hi, it is me Daph and I have a few characters that I want made into horses and I will be paying evd for them. Now these characters are ones that I hold dear to my heart and they are each very unique to me. I will list the general theme/colors with them below.

Nora: So my number one character I'd like is Nora done, she's a blonde with brown highlights, and brown eyes so I'm leaning more towards some palomino paint of some sort for her. She comes from the richer side of life and there is no such thing as too much pink in her opinion. Pink is life, Straight up material gorl all over so maybe any pink accessories to go on her would be fitting. Quote most inspired by her "I'm not perfect but, I'm Limited edition"

Rosalie: Now she's a second one of my faves who is a red haired blue eyed so I would think some type of fiery chestnut paint would be fitting for her. She's more on the calm/reserved side but she is a good bean and someone I cherish. She is more science and nature so maybe nature add ons?           "Science and nature the beauty of it all."

Tessa: This girl is my third one I'm after and she has black hair and blue eyes so I'm thinking some type of black paint horse or appy if we really want to. She's also the richer rich and likes the lavish life so accessories for her more in the gold style as she likes the gold and bling and sparkle.       "Pressure creates diamonds, fire refines gold"

Lynch: A cocky, playful guy who is blonde and I want him to probably be a palomino horse with hazel eyes. He's pretty arrogant and he's a detective 🕵️‍♂️ so (plays I'm an international super spy) yeah give him cool spy gear, go wild.
"Doing detectivey things 24/7"

Last edited on 2022-04-13 at 08:38:56 by Daph

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#256424 Posted on 2022-04-13 06:45:15

I would love to try to bring some of these girls to life. :)





Last edited on 2022-04-14 at 07:26:13 by Deer Creek

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#256427 Posted on 2022-04-13 06:50:33

Yes, would love to see some turned out!

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#256431 Posted on 2022-04-13 07:11:27

I can give them all a try if you would like! ♥

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#256432 Posted on 2022-04-13 07:12:38

Horsegirl- Yeah sure, if you'd like, but I will only be buying the one's I feel like that suit them best.

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#256434 Posted on 2022-04-13 07:29:32

That's fine! I need something to work on anyway lol

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#256437 Posted on 2022-04-13 08:39:22

I have added some quotes to also feel the inspo for them ^^

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#256475 Posted on 2022-04-13 17:55:32

eh tried


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#256840 Posted on 2022-04-22 14:32:47

Bumping as Im still looking ^^

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#257263 Posted on 2022-05-03 17:19:30

Bumping this cause im still looking 🤌

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#257335 Posted on 2022-05-05 03:09:09

Sorry I've been a bit busy, but I have a couple of these guys in progress

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#257672 Posted on 2022-05-12 10:13:50

Still looking 

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#257812 Posted on 2022-05-15 20:10:59

I'll be on maternity leave soon so I'll have some time doing nothing...why not fill it with art.

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#258058 Posted on 2022-05-21 11:34:10

Tis I am still looking for them 👀 

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#258067 Posted on 2022-05-21 13:22:59

working on some now......

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