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[corvus] Tags/Sigs Wanted

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[corvus] Tags/Sigs Wanted

#255753 Posted on 2022-04-01 19:27:16

Hey guys! So most of you know that the last few months have been pretty bad news bears for me. But things are starting to improve a bit! We will have a place to live again shortly and I'm excited about that! Since things are looking up and I'm in a good mood, I'm wanting to spoil some of my characters who haven't been getting much love. This thread will be updated with the current spotlight character and information on what type of art I am looking for for them.

Looking to pay in EVD only at this time

These do not have to be customs! I am fine with recolors of older pieces if they fit the theme ♥

First babe up is Linstua:

Click for full-size

For her, I would love to get some headshot pieces to really focus on those markings ♥

Wilderness settings (anything with trees) would also be wonderful

Got anything else you think she would look good on? Feel free to show me!

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