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[B] Collaberation partner

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[B] Collaberation partner

#255337 Posted on 2022-03-23 14:46:21

Hihi. It's just exactly what's on the box.

I've got a new tag brewing, but I know I won't be able to do the recolors.

Send me a message here, or a DM on Discord ( Bela#7046)

With the following filled out:

Examples of past recolors: ( A minimum of 1-2 different pieces, 3-5 recolors of both in a folder preferably.)
What are your re-coloring strengths: (1-3)
What are your re-coloring weaknesses: (1-3)
Have you collaborated on a sale before?: (Y/N)
Program you work in:
Tell me a little about yourself and why you want to collab with me:

If you haven't had that much experience to answer the strengths and weaknesses questions, feel free to answer those with anything along the lines of: "N/A" or "No exp."

There are legitimately no wrong answers.

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