Raiyne/ Juniper Victorian romance (private) |
#251633 Posted on 2022-01-23 13:30:19
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Last edited on 2022-01-27 at 11:55:10 by Juniper
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#251634 Posted on 2022-01-23 13:32:17
Name: Andres Harper Martin Osborne
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 25
type: Human
Eye color: Blue
Hair: messy blonde
Clothing: Andres wears different clothes depending on the role he wants to play during his duties.
He mostly wears a long black tailcoat, sometimes a gold, red, or blue paisley. He also has a pocket-watch in his right pocket made of pure gold. A gift from his grandfather before he passed away.
Andres hates working with his father during training sessions, but he knows that it is for his own good if he was to be the next in line. He also wear different clothes depending on the situation he's in. HE loves to walk around through the town to see what is going on and talk to the folks. He has one pierced ear. with a single gold earing. And a ring on his right index finger.
Family: Emmi and Hector Osborne
Siblings: None
Likes: protecting the innocent, playing with the little kids when he is in town on business.
Dislikes: mistreatment of women, thieves
Home: South of the River Lyx and above the town into the mountains ( his father lives here so he has to be there) but he has a hidden home for himself when he is in town away from his father.
Hobbies: hunting, training, listening to music when he is off duty
Owns 2 horses Carbriel ( chestnut mare), and Ternura (black mare)
Westley- Main Guard ( very well known)
John-( not well known)
- Wake up at 6:30 and open all curtains, including mine
- Wake me at 6:45 sharp
- Prepare clothes and place them on my dresser when you are here with me
- Get rid of the weeds in the garden every week.
- Wash the clothes that are in the grey bucket and have them done by no later than 2 in the afternoon.
- work with Carbriel
Note: We will switch off bringing in the mares for cleaning and caring for and bringing them back to the pasture. ( But I will be checking for their cleanliness)
Then the idea of holidays also caught him off guard. That wont be hard he thought at first… but it is customary that the maid help with the decorations and such.
Last edited on 2022-02-22 at 15:21:29 by Juniper
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#251635 Posted on 2022-01-23 13:39:25
Name: Amberlee Dawson
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 22
type: Sleigh Beggy (a human who has a natural affinity toward fae and other supernatural beings, and unconsciously absorbs a lot of magical energy)
Eye color: Green
Hair: Brown, curly, hangs to her lower back.
Clothing: Amberlee's clothing varies depending on the situation.
When helping in her father's workshop, she usually wears a pair of brown simply pants, with a light cream tunic, a brown leather apron and soft leather boots. Her hair is then kept in a bun, out of her face.
When she's out exploring or in town, she wears plain dresses of varying colors, and her hair is either worn in a single braid down her back, or kept loose.
When picking herbs and flowers in the forest, she can usually be found in a pair of soft leather pants, a beige colored loose tunic, and soft boots.
She always wears a ring on her right index finger made of pure jade.
Family: Father - Thomas Dawson, local blacksmith and farrier. Mother - Abigail Dawson (deceased).
Siblings: No
Rich: No, middle class family.
Likes: Getting lost in her own little dream world, humming/singing while she works, reading, listening to music (she usually gets distracted by bards and musicians), exploring
Dislikes: Liars and cheats (dishonesty), very loud (and sudden) noises, bullies
Home: A little cottage just outside of the town Alden, nestled on the border of the Eastern Forest.
Hobbies: making healing tonics, painting
Name: Jade
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
type: Fairy
Eye color: Large Black eyes with stars glittering in them.
Hair: Long hair the same deep, royal blue as her feathers.
"He would see the bird wasn't a bird perched on the windowsill, was in fact, a type of fairy. Even though it had wings like a bird on it's back, and it's legs were covered in feathers to the thighs, then ended in birdlike legs and talons for feet, it's body from the hips up looked humanoid. Female. Lovely feathers forming a tail extending from the small of her back. And she had long hair on her little had that resembled the same deep, royal blue of her feathers, and long, pointed ears sat on the side of her round face. Her eyes were large and black, and seemed to glitter, as if there were stars held within."
Last edited on 2022-03-25 at 22:09:10 by Raiyne
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#251727 Posted on 2022-01-28 09:16:56
It was a cool, crisp morning in Alden. Silver mist still crept through the forest and town making the grey morning light seem duller than it was. The morning songs of birds began filling the air, waking Amberlee from her slumber. She groaned and turned on her side, her old bed creaking beneath her as she tugged the threadbare blanket over her head. "Five more minutes," she mumbled to no one in particular, then heaved a heavy sigh. She knew she had to get up, she had deliveries to make and then she had to help her father out in his workshop. Apparently some rich family was bringing all their horses around to be shoed and Thomas, Aberlee's father, had asked her to be present at the shop just in case he needed a hand. Not with shoeing the horses or working the forge, of course, but simply being an extra set of hands. Amberlee despised that workshop, it was far too loud with its constant clanging of hammer against metal, and far too hot with the forges always burning, but she loved her father and knew he needed a hand from time to time. So she reluctantly rose from her bed and made her way to her little window. Unlike most other blacksmiths and farriers, Amberlee and her father did not live at the workshop. Instead, they owned a little cottage outside of town on the border of the Eastern Forest.
Her room faced that forest, the place she loved to explore whenever she could. Breathing in a chest full of fresh morning air, she felt a little more ready for the day ahead. Amberlee made her way to her bathing chamber where she washed and dressed, opting to wear a pair of soft leather pants, a light tunic and her most comfortable boots. She quickly tied her long, curly hair into a messy bun, then made her way to the kitchen where she expected to find her father. Much to her surprise, he wasn't there, but atop their old, wooden dining table was something covered by an off-white colored cloth, with a note next to it reading, headed to the shop, see you later. Love, dad. Amberlee smiled, fingering the pure jade ring on her right index finger with her thumb as she read the note. Tugging away the cloth revealed a piece of bread, a small slice of cheese, an apple and a little wild flower. "So thoughtful, dad," she whispered to herself with a gentle smile. She ate the bread and cheese, placed the apple in her satchel, the flower in her hair, then left her little home.
As she walked to town, she hummed a melody that her mother used to sing to her. She watched as all the small folk, or fae, went bustling about their business on the forest edge and in patches of flowers along the road. Being a sleigh beggy, she always attracted fae and all manner of supernatural creatures, but she had long since learned that not all of them were friendly, and many times their playful mischief could be detrimental to the person being toyed with. So she mostly attempted ignoring them, still humming tp herself as she made her way to town.
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#251728 Posted on 2022-01-28 09:35:49
Andres hated being the one to always do things for his father. Morning were always the busiest and the most gruesome. Especially on a day like this. When he woke up from his sleep, he noticed that his father was yet again at his bedroom door, leaning against the door, his arms folded against his chest “ Come on, Andres… today is a special day. You’re gonna go into town with the two horses and get their new shoes done.
“Oh come on father you know I hate mornings and want to get all the sleep I can get” he complained.
“ You will do as your are told. You are a young man, but you have orders to take those mares to the farrier. You know your duties. “ His father then left to get his duties done.
When Andres finally got out of bed, he went to his closet and picked out the paisley outfit, with the gold pocket watch, his riding boots and set off to the stables just behind the house.
He groomed the two mares to the point of shining like the sun before taking up the light chestnut 4 year old mare and putting a halter on the other one before getting up into the saddle and walked off the train that led into town.
It was a peaceful and quiet walk to the town, but when he reached it, he saw lots of people walking about and opening their shops. He smiled at the little ones wanting to buy the first thing they saw. One day Andres… one day he thought to himself as he neared the blacksmith.
Little did he know that he would meet the daughter of the blacksmith that morning and have a little chat with her to get his to mares set up.
Last edited on 2022-01-28 at 09:42:44 by Juniper
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#251730 Posted on 2022-01-28 10:12:27
Once the healing tonics were delivered to the alchemist, Amberlee made her way to her father's workshop. Alden was busy that morning, children were running around the streets, merchants were opening their stores, and all manner of people from peasants to nobleman made their way up and down the streets, going about their business. Amberlee made sure to use the side door once she arrived at the workshop, for the simple reason that she didn't want to be stormed by customers who didn't understand that she was only human, sort of, and needed a minute to get herself setup.
"Dad, I'm here," she called, as she grabbed her brown leather apron from a hook on the wall and replaced it with her satchel.
"Hi, honey, would you see to the young sir waiting please?" Thomas called back to his daughter as he got everything ready to shoe the mares.
Amberlee sighed inwardly, throwing her apron over her head, "sure thing," she said softly to her father, giving him a peck on the cheek before she hurried to the front. She had forgotten about the wild flower that sat in her hair and was still busy tying the apron around her slender waist when she strode to the open front of the workshop. "Good morning," she greeted as politely as she could bring herself to. At least her sweet smile wasn't fake, she always loved seeing horses well taken care of and these two had an exceptional sheen to them. She admired their coat for a moment, not paying much attention to the man who brought them in. "Hey girls, are you ready for a bit of pampering?" she asked the mares, reaching out to take his horses and get them ready for the shoeing. But in that moment, she could feel her father's wide eyed stare on her, without even looking back over shoulder she knew he was silently scolding her for her lack of manners. Amberlee retracted her hand, quietly cleared her throat and bobbed a curtsy. Keeping her emerald gaze low at first, as was the polite thing to do for lower born families, she politely spoke, "welcome to the workshop, may I take your horses?" she asked, but was unable to keep her gaze down. She hated that silly rule, she wanted to see who she was talking to. So her green eyes rose, meeting his.
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#251731 Posted on 2022-01-28 10:36:55
Andres was just as clean as his horses. Adres gave a little chuckle at the girl in front of him, being shy in a way towards a higher group. “No need to curtsy to me” He said as his stature changed and his blue eyes fell upon the gree. His heart skipped a beat and had to hold onto the one of the mares’ manes to keep himself from saying anything stupid.
He cleared his throat just like she did and gave her a slight gentle and warm smile “ Yes please. My father needs them to get all new silver shoes.” He said
The four year old mare snorted at the girls direction as she nuzzled her in return, telling her she wanted more attention, her tail swishing back and forth.
“ She seems to like you” Andres said stroking the mares soft shoulder before eyeing the girls father. “ I hope I don’t have to make an appointment.. It is an emergency I get the mares done, sir.”
He walked away from his mares after he handed the girl the reins of the one he rode and the leadline of the one that followed and walked over to the male. “ I will pay for everything right now if you prefer.”
Then he looked over his shoulder and looked at the girl. She is just gorgeous… but father would never approve of her.. I will just have to talk to him later this week he thought Or better yet… I will invite her when I feel like she has done her job well with the horses and all my needs here are met.
He then walked over to a chest and sat on it, never keeping his eyes off of the blacksmiths daughter.
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#251732 Posted on 2022-01-28 11:16:56
Amberlee paused a moment after the young nobleman had walked away. Why did her heart race? Was it the horses? She looked to the young mare who seemed to want more attention, gently stroking her down the length of her face. Yes, it must be the horses, she thought, ignoring the warmth she saw in his smile which had made her a little more curious about him. Nobleman usually didn't smile like that, not to the likes of her. In fact, they usually didn't even bring over their own horses, they had servants and stable boys who did that task. How strange, she thought, losing herself to her thoughts for a moment as she stood, reins and lead rope in one hand, the other sliding gently up and down the young mares face.
"It's not a problem, my young lord," Thomas chuckled, estimating what size shoe he'd need and grabbing two full sets of silver shoes, "normally, folk just tend to show up. However, if special shoes are required, appointments are made beforehand. Luckily, I have the shoes needed for these two ready," he said, "oh, and you can pay me after. When you are satisfied with my work," he smiled brightly. Thomas was an older human, his face very weathered from years of hard labor. He'd been working the forge since he was a lad, so had his father, and his father's father. "Now then, uh-" Thomas looked over and noticed his daughter was lost in her dream world again. "Amberlee, the horses, if you please," he called to her, a gentle scold.
Amberlee was startled at the sound of her name. She looked to her father a little bewildered, then blushed, realizing what had happened, "of course," she said nervously, quickly bringing the mares over. How embarrassing, she moaned inwardly at herself, he probably thinks I'm a complete nut, she thought, stealing a glance at the young nobleman over her shoulder. When she found him still gazing at her, her blush deepened and she snapped her gaze away. She tied the mare with the halter and lead rope to a metal ring that hung on a nearby pillar, while holding the chestnut mare's reins in her hand. She would hold that mare while her father worked on her. She had purposely placed herself between the two mares, that one of them obscured her from the young man's gaze.
"Right then," Thomas breathed, as he leaned down, picked up the saddled mare's front hoof and began working on first removing the old shoe, then trimming the hoof and replacing it with silver shoes, altering the shoe size if need be. He'd repeat this process until complete.
While her father worked, Amberlee would attempt stealing glances at the nobleman, only to hide behind the mare again as soon as their gazes met. She felt so embarrassed for getting lost in her thoughts, she didn't know what to do with herself at the time.
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#251733 Posted on 2022-01-28 12:03:27
“ Of course. No worries.” he said after sitting himself down. Andres knew she was looking towards him every now and then, but said nothing. Shes a cute little devil. I’ll give her that much. He said with a manly chuckle before looking at the chestnut. Shes flinching… that’s odd. “ Im sure you notice that Carbriel can get a little skittish when getting her feet done… if you want… I can hold her. Shes rarely get out and into town.“
She stood up and just saw the girls head. One day I will win her heart… or it would be the other way around?
He then stood up and waled over to the one that was being worked on and stroked her neck and talked to her “ Shhhh Carbriel.. its all right. They wouldn’t hurt you now. I promise“ He then gave er a kiss on the head before peering over to the other side and smirked “ I forgot my own manners. The name is Andres Osborne.” He extended his warm hand to her. Knowing full well that she would have to take it, just to be nice to the rich. “Ive never seen you around here in these parts when im in town..” he began “ I guess my father is finally warming up to me needing to gt his own job of getting the horses down into town even though I have more pressing matters to deal with.”
He wanted to at least have a chance to talk to her before going back to the house and get his other duties done. But not before doing everything else that needed to be done in town. I want to take her to the river and talk to her…. But its too soon. I will have to wait til shes free or just wait til something happens. He thought as he then stood up straight looking outside and waited til both horses were done. The sound of chatter and birds chattering made Andres zone out. His hands in his pockets fiddling with the pocket watch.
Last edited on 2022-01-28 at 12:48:29 by Juniper
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#251735 Posted on 2022-01-28 13:23:19
Amberlee felt obligated to take his hand and shake. Her gaze flicked to his grasp, it was firm. That was a little unexpected. She had shaken a noble's hand before, once long ago, and he barely gripped her at all. She couldn't stop the smile that tugged on her lips, her gaze meeting his for a moment again before she looked away. She released the reins of the nervous chestnut to him, "there you go," she said sweetly. She watched him closely as he soothed the mare, as he treated her gently instead of simply punishing her. Only then did she recognize the family name. She had heard of them, they were one of the richest around, if not the richest. "Nice to meet you," she said softly, then moved to the other side of the tied mare, positioning the horse between herself and the young nobleman, gently petting her, "I'm here as often as my father needs me, otherwise I do my own thing," she said, not wanting to give him too much detail just yet.
Thomas worked as quickly and gently as he could, also purring sweet, comforting words to the mare as he went. He took extra care not to hurt the mare, and gently stroked her legs before picking them up, trying to keep her calm.
As soon as her father moved to work on the second mare, Amberlee looked to Andres. She noticed he was lost in thought, and clearly fiddling with something, but she couldn't see what. "You can take her outside if she'll be more comfortable there," she said to Andres, keeping the second mare calm while her father worked. Her gaze would drift to Andres every so often. Why is he talking to me so much, she wondered, perhaps he's just trying to be polite. Admirable, if nothing else, she concluded. Amberlee lightly shook her head, it probably didn't matter why, perhaps it was nothing more than the whim of a bored noble. As soon as his horses were done, he'd leave to do whatever is it that nobles do, woo noble ladies, become knights, boast with their wealth...she didn't really know. Either way, this fascination couldn't grow, especially not if he was an Osborne.
Thomas wiped the sweat from his brow, "shouldn't be too long now," he said politely to Andres.
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#251738 Posted on 2022-01-28 13:41:54
Andres Osborne shook his head to get him back to reality, when she spoke and looked behind him to see her helping with the second and final mare. “I think I will. “ he said turning towards her and his mare before taking Carbriel’s reins in his hands. “Come find me when the other is done. I shouldn’t be too far away” He said before clucking to Carbriel and walked her out of the Blacksmith workshop to get her calmed down more. But as he walked away, he took one more quick glance at the girl before turning back around, into the fresh cool air.
“ You liked her huh, Carbriel?”He chuckled patting her neck as they walked down the middle of the busy town. As he walked he let the little ones touch, ride and feed Carbriel to pass the time. He wanted nothing more than to have the little ones do what they wanted with Carbriel. Plait her mane and tail, sit on her back you name it. As long as they were happy, Andres was happy. But the happiness would and could be give out so much. Trouble was brewing and the nobleman would have to be right on time to keep the one in trouble safe.
I have to get her out of my mind… Im an Osborne. I cannot be seen with a middle class lady like her. It would be a sin to my family’s lineage to marry a middle class lady. Father would kill me if he found out… but im willing to take that risk. No matter what occurs. Its time I took my own rules and initiatives into my own hands.
He soon found a place to hitch up Carbriel and lean on her shoulder, checking his pocket watch every ten minutes before closing his eyes, letting the sun hit his face.
Last edited on 2022-01-28 at 13:46:53 by Juniper
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#251740 Posted on 2022-01-28 14:15:33
Amberlee found herself staring after Andres as he left. He seems to be very good with children, she thought, watching him seem to brighten up around them. Once he was out of sight, she turned her gaze back to the mare. But her focus was very short lived as she found herself slipping into a dream world again. She shifted her weight, fingering the ring on her finger once again.
"Are you going to talk to him?" Thomas teased, having noticed his daughter seeming a little restless.
"Heavens no," Amberlee scoffed, "I'm just going to give him his horse and collect your payment. That's it!" she said firmly.
Thomas merely chuckled and finished his work. Once he was done, he first straightened, groaning all the way. "My back," he moaned as he stretched out his back, "I think I'm getting too old for this," he joked, finding a nearby chair to sit in.
Amberlee studied her father a moment, chewing the inside of her lip. "Will you be okay?" she asked with care.
"Of course, child, don't underestimate this old fool," Thomas chuckled, wiping the sweat from his brow, "off you go, don't keep him waiting. It's rude, and we might lose business that way," he warned gently, shooing Amberlee out.
"Yes, father," Amberlee said. She untied the mare then gave her a moment to get used to her new shoes. "I'll be back in a bit," she said to the old man, then clicked her tongue and lead the mare outside. She wasn't sure where Andres went, so she simply lead the mare in the direction she'd seen him go earlier. Before long, she found him, leaning against the young chestnut mare. Amberlee felt her lips pull into a smile at the mere sight of him, she hoped that he didn't see. She forced her demeanor to be a little more casual as she approached him. "I hope you weren't waiting too long," she found herself saying, that sweet smile blooming on her lips again before she could stop it, "father has finished with this one," she said, patting the mare's shoulder. She extended her hand to Andres, offering him the lead rope.
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#251742 Posted on 2022-01-28 14:54:54
Andres opened his eyes and stood up straight before taking the reins. But as he took the reins in his right hand, his hand grazed over hers just enough to feel it. He didn’t retreat his hand though. Instead, he took his free hand and stopped her from leaving “ You may think im just a bosy and nosey rick guy… but I promise Im not nosey or bosy… its my father who is making me do all this for him “ he explained “ Maybe we could walk and talk about some things?” what am I even saying… its foolish to do such thing… plus I have business to run He told himself before sighing “ Im sorry… I shouldn’t have said that… my sincere apologies…”
He then fiddled with the ring on his own finger and looked down at the dirt before speaking again “ I must go…I don’t want to keep my father waiting” once he finished speaking, he got onto Carbriel and headed back to the Blacksmith to pick up his other mare and pay for the job.
“ Thank you very much. “ The noble said to the man “ I hope I get to see you and your daughter more often now that I have a ton of duties in town” he said to the man
After the pleasantries were done, Andres took himself and the mares around the town to get everything that his father put on the list for that morning. Two hours later, As he walked back towards the Blacksmith on his way back to the house, he glanced one last time at the girl and purposefully dropped the pocket watch before trotting off. That should be enough to get her to trust me and think about my offer
He arrived a half hour later to the house and placed the mares into he paddock after being brushed and hosed down. Then put away everything that was on the lift before getting straight to the other duties. This is gonna be a loooong day he thought as he sat down in his chair and looked at the papers he had to deal with before the end of the next day.
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#251754 Posted on 2022-01-29 02:53:37
The touch of his hand against hers sent what felt like bolts of lightning through her arm. It was an odd sensation, strange and new, and in all honesty, Amberlee didn't really know what to do about it. When she moved to pull way, he stopped her from leaving and spoke. She stood gawking at him while he spoke, blinking in confusion. Why would you say such things to me of all people? Did I make you feel like you needed to somehow explain yourself to me? Why would you even care to when I'm far lower born than you? she wondered as she stared at him. Then her mind shifted. She realized he had such beautiful eyes. They were enchanting, and seemed to call out to her. She wasn't even sure if she was still standing on her own two feet or if she had started swaying, or perhaps soaring through the air. When he asked if they could walk and talk, she smiled, and parted her lips to speak, to say yes, but then he suddenly apologized. And her world came crashing down around her. She blinked as her reality set in once again. She swallowed, "it's okay, there's no need to apologize," she said nervously, backing up a step as her hand slipped from his. With her left hand, she kept turning the jade ring around her right index finger, fidgeting. As quickly as he'd started speaking to her, he stopped again. And then he mounted his mare and rode off back to the shop. Amberlee stood staring after him for a few moments, completely dumbstruck by what just happened.
Thomas was a little surprised when the young lord reappeared to pay for the job himself. He was half expecting him to simply send the payment back with his daughter. When Andres thanked him, he bowed low, "the pleasure is all mine, young lord," he said happily, "feel free to come visit whenever you wish," he said politely, then greeted Andres and sent him on his way. Shortly after Andres had left, Amberlee came waddling back into the shop, but she didn't seem herself. Thomas' brows furrowed, "are you alright, child?" he asked with care.
"Yes, I...I'm fine," Amberlee breathed. She wasn't entirely sure if that answer was the truth, but it had to be. She shook her head and scowled, nobles and their stupid mind games she moaned to herself, then set about working in the shop, trying to distract herself from what just occurred. The sooner she forgot about it, the better.
Nearly two hours later, Amberlee was leaning agianst a nearby pillar. Her father had just finished with a small herd of horses and was now resting, when she saw Andres ride past once again. She didn't want to look at him, but she couldn't help herself. Their eyes met once again for but a moment, then Amberlee noticed he dropped something. She scowled, is that supposed to bait me? Like some animal?! she thought angrily, wanting to ignore it. But her curiosity got the better of her to know what he dropped and why. She quickly hurried over and found a golden pocket watch lying in the dirt. She leaned down to pick it up, gently dusting it off and looked back in the direction Andres had rode off in, wanting to call out to him, but she realized he was too far and the horse too fast to catch up. She also knew that if she held onto this for too long, and the wrong guard saw it, they may think she stole it, and punishment for thievery in this town usually meant a public lashing and jail at least, loss of a limp and time in the mines at most. None of those seemed like something she wanted to do. Amberlee bolted back to her father, "he dropped this," she said, showing him the watch, "you should return it," she extended her hand to him.
Thomas tilted his head, he never knew nobles to be so clumsy as to simply drop something like that. So he wondered if it wasn't perhaps a token for his daughter. He also knew well that Amberlee was stubborn enough to decline if she knew that. He sighed, wiping his hands on his apron, "it's been a long morning and I could use some rest. Will you not take it back to him, please?" he asked sweetly.
"But they know you! You'll have an easier chance returning the thing without trouble!" Amberlee protested.
"Bagh! You'll be fine," Thomas gently patted her shoulder, "just tell them you are my daughter, and have come to return the watch his lordship dropped when he brought the horses in earlier. They won't punish you for a crime you are innocent of," he said.
Yeah, right Amberlee thought, pulling her lips into a thin line. She shoved the watch into her pocket, "how do I get there?" she asked begrudgingly
"Follow this road out of town toward the mountains. You'll find the estate. If you do feel lost, just ask anyone around, they'll point you in the right direction," Thomas smiled, pointing down the exact road Andres had taken earlier.
Amberlee pulled off her apron and hung it on the wall before striding away in the direction her father told her.
The walk to the estate took longer than she thought it would on foot. The closer she got, the more guards she noted prowling around. And the more fae who seemed to be up to mischief. She made a point to ignore them as she approached the gates to the estate. She stopped, studying the guards for a moment. They seemed ruthless, and not people she really wanted to deal with. She once again wondered if they would believe her that she was only here to return the watch or if she would be punished. She glanced down at her work attire. She couldn't really slip in under the guise of a noble lady either. Perhaps they truly would believe that she was only here to return it. Taking a steadying breath, she approached the gate. She did not shy away at the guards who stared her down ominously, even though her heart felt like it wanted to leap from her chest. "Hello, I'm here to see An- err, Lord Andres Osborne," she said, she never did learn his title, and only prayed this was the correct one. She stared over their shoulder, hoping to catch sight of him.
"In connection with what?" one of the guards asked suspiciously.
"I have come to return something he dropped when he visited my father's forge this morning," Amberlee answered honestly, hoping it would be enough to let her pass.
Meanwhile, another guard had run to Andres' office and knocked on his door, "milord, a girl is here to see you," he called to Andres.
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#251755 Posted on 2022-01-29 05:29:26
Andres was busy doing his work when there was a knock at his door and one of his many guards came to him “ Tell her I will be there in a few moments I still have a lot of things to do and they must come first before anything else. “ he said before shooing the guard away.
When the guard left, Andres stood up out of his study chair and went to his closet to change into his black overcoat and black shoes. But as he was taking of the paisley coat, he noticed that his gold pocket watch was missing “ For all the land I had to loose it on the busiest time of my life!" Andres yelled slamming the desk I cant act like this I have to calm down and see what this girl wants. Could sure use a new maid around here he thought as she slowly fixed his blonde hair and the ring n his finger before descending the long set of stairs that not only let to the master bedrooms, but a master loft and separate kitchen as well.
“ At ease “ he said to the guards when he finally descended the long stairs and stood right in front of the girl, but his eyes were looking down. His hands behind his back. He had to see who he was going to be thanking.
As he slowly looked up, he recognized her. But without the apron she had on those two hours ago. Not a maid He chuckled to himself “You again" he chuckled “ Never thought I would see a peasant... err…commoner, come to my father’s doors. “ He then bit his lip slightly at his foolishness at acting like this towards a woman of all people. Off to a really bad start you idiot he told himself and he sighed “ Again… my apologies for being so rude. My father has so many deadlines that I have to meet in a days time.”
But that wasn’t the point. The point was the return of his pocket watch from his grandfather. “ I was told you were here to return something that belongs to me?” he asked looking at her. “ I thought I dropped it by your fathers workshop two hours ago but I was in such a hurry I couldn't get it.”
He then then took a step towards her. Just one step and extended his warm hand.
“ Just a warning…. If you or anyone from this town ever steal anything from the rich or the high ruling… a great price will be paid. The punishments include, but not limited to: public lashing, five years in jail ( give or take), loss of a limb ( not too common though), or a two years in the gold mines” he knew these by heart since he was a little lad. “ Now don’t be afraid of those punishments. Since you are just returning what I dropped, I will let the punishments go. But just because a young and lovely girl like you surely doesn’t deserve any of those punishments. “
He looked right into her green eyes and felt full attraction to her “ but there is one thing that this little lady deserves for returning the most prized gift to me” He debated on going up a kiss her, but the urge was too strong and he had no other choice. So he stepped right in front of her, gently took one of my hands in his and kissed the back of her hand before seeing the ring huh…. Same place as mine I he thought as he then gently let go of her hand “ I.. I suggest you go. My father will be back soon and I don’t want him questioning me about who you are.” He then nodded at the one guard near to them “ Westley will escort you back to your fathers workshop to make sure you get their safe and sound.
Lots of danger is around these parts up here.” He said turning around “ and one last thing…. If you want to come join me for a walk… come find me during my little excursions in town and we can… talk over some things.”
And with that and the wave of his hand, the guard took the commoner back to her fathers workshop.
Last edited on 2022-01-29 at 08:25:07 by Juniper
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