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Starry Waters Collab||Closed||R2

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Starry Waters Collab||Closed||R2

#246825 Posted on 2021-08-24 10:50:15



1. Nebula

2. Spooks

3. Nirvanic

4. Magnolia 

5. Shadow

Ref(s): Blue Streak | Neverra
Backups: Storm Fire | Saraphina

Other: Sending payment now

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#246832 Posted on 2021-08-24 14:03:30

Ref(s): Altair | Athena | Zion
Backups: Camilla | Dee
Other: Using Daphs art pass ♥

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#246905 Posted on 2021-08-26 09:00:15

Darn! This is what I get for taking a couple days off and not checking.  I needed it, though; I wasn't feeling too great. :/

Last edited on 2021-08-28 at 08:18:36 by Silver Foxie Sox

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#246949 Posted on 2021-08-27 06:37:10

I will be doing recolors between homework today and then this weekend. This week was the first week back to school and it's been a lot. So these will be done just a little patience would be great.

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#246950 Posted on 2021-08-27 07:17:39

R2 Pickups:

Nebula:  .       (Potato will do)

Spooks: .       

Nirvanic:  .       

Magnolia:  .   (Potato will do other one)

Shadow: .      

Altair: .     .   

Last edited on 2021-09-01 at 17:25:46 by Daph

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