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[KCNM] Blankie - CLOSED

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[KCNM] Blankie - CLOSED

#247001 Posted on 2021-08-28 08:13:59

Can I just have my backups from the last order done?  I am kinda liking the thought of how they would look, LOL

LMK if this is okay, or if I need to post the form again.

Last edited on 2021-08-28 at 08:15:19 by Silver Foxie Sox

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#247002 Posted on 2021-08-28 08:23:24

Silver - Of course! I’d appreciate if you posted another form, it helps me keep track and keep everything in order.

I apologize I haven’t been finishing these as fast as anticipated, work has been extra rough lately and I’ve been leaving late every day. I should hopefully get to some today and tomorrow!

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#247008 Posted on 2021-08-28 08:41:24

@KCNM: Thanks! :)

This one or This One
backup: Let me know if you need one, but I looked and I don't really have any characters much simpler than them, nor can I decide who I would rather use, LOL
blanket color: I'd like black for the buckskin and dusty rose for the grey.
other: Paying in EVD.

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#247223 Posted on 2021-09-01 10:48:53

Love mine thank you!

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