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ISO: Foundation Arabs + TWH

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ISO: Foundation Arabs + TWH

#245927 Posted on 2021-08-15 13:00:41

I am currently buying both foundation Arabians and TWH

Have a herd you wanna drop? Maybe you're just bored and want to pull from the EC? Need the cash?

Whatever your reasons are, I'm willing to buy some horses off of you!

- MUST be foundation
- Its alright if they are cubed as long as I am able to convert their discipline
- Arabians MUST have base stats leaning towards Western (Under 60 nss)
- TWHs MUST have base stats leaning towards Driving (Under 60 nss)
- Would prefer if age to stat ratio is reasonable, but I may make exceptions
- I will be more likely to take up horses with nss below 56

Feel free to offer below or PM me
I'll be checking this post often

Last edited on 2021-08-15 at 13:06:37 by Cathmor

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