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[HG] Enjoying Summer [PU'S POSTED]

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[HG] Enjoying Summer [PU'S POSTED]

#245385 Posted on 2021-08-09 14:19:36

Figured to do another summer type of tag sale, and although I have a lot of other art stuff I'm working on; I'm still gonna do it. Enjoy!

150x150 150x150

My Armoni    //   My Vixen

This tag was made by Ducky (90651), and it a free to use tag base.

Rules - 

Don't claim as your own. Do NOT remove any signatures.

Must sell alongside character

Be patient I just started high school

Please do not be rude in any way

No holding slots

Payment must be sent before I start your order

Payment must be sent within 2 hours of ordering if payment is not received your order is cancelled

I think that's all Enjoy!

Pricing - 

60k each or 1 credit each

Slots - 

1 - 

2 - 

3 - 

4 - 

5 - 

Form - 

Ref(s) - 

Backup(s) - 

Other - 

Please note: Due to the base some designs may be difficult. Please try, and give me easier designs. Also please have your refs linked to either Wix, Weebly, Imgfly, or Stash. Other links I cannot access. Thank you!

Got a bit excited, and forgot to add the rules. lol

Last edited on 2021-08-15 at 14:35:13 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#245386 Posted on 2021-08-09 14:46:01

Slots - 

1 - Deer Creek

2 - 

3 - 

4 - 

5 - 

Form - 

Ref(s) - Unnamed Girl | Sunset

Backup(s) - Storm | Triton

Other - You beat me to it! But your art is so gorgeous! :D♥

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#245387 Posted on 2021-08-09 14:46:51

Reserved for pickups - 

Deer Creek 2/2 - 

150x150 150x150

Spooks 4/4 - 

150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150

Scorpion 2/2 - 

150x150 150x150

Negma 2/2 - I thought Huckleberry would look good, so I did him as well^^

150x150 150x150

Bashful 3/3 - 

150x150 150x150 150x150

Last edited on 2021-08-15 at 14:34:48 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#245391 Posted on 2021-08-09 16:16:47

Slots - 

1 - Deer Creek

2 - Spooks

3 - 

4 - 

5 - 

Form - 

Ref(s) - Spookister | Unnamed | Unnamed | Crimson


Backup(s) - Unnamed

edited to say; changed the links to stash

Last edited on 2021-08-10 at 06:22:07 by Spooks

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#245404 Posted on 2021-08-09 19:58:20

1 - Deer Creek

2 - Spooks

3 - 

4 - 

5 - 

Form - 

Ref(s) - Glassjaw Arlo


Backup(s) - Willow Misty

Other: I hope these arent too detailed. please let me know

* Fixed my refs, links are now all from stash*

Last edited on 2021-08-10 at 03:38:10 by BlueScorpion

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#245419 Posted on 2021-08-10 03:19:18

@Spooks and Scorpion - I cannot access your links as I have said what links I can access above in the red font. Either change your links to one of the links I can access, or insert pictures like @Creek did.

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#245420 Posted on 2021-08-10 03:35:23

sorry about that i misread, fixing now.

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#245422 Posted on 2021-08-10 04:36:07

@Scorpion - Your fine. Thank you for fixing. Pickups may take a bit since I'm back in school.

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#245423 Posted on 2021-08-10 04:43:40

All good, best of luck in school

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#245489 Posted on 2021-08-10 14:28:08

1 - Deer Creek

2 - Spooks

3 - negma

4 - 

Form - 

Ref(s) - 


Backup(s) - Huckleberry 

Please let me know if you can see the refs!

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#245490 Posted on 2021-08-10 14:29:26

@Negma - Yep! I can! I'll do yours once I finish the others!

Last edited on 2021-08-10 at 14:29:34 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#245504 Posted on 2021-08-10 15:20:42

1 - Deer Creek

2 - Spooks

3 - negma

4 -  Bashful

Form - 

Ref(s) - 




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#245507 Posted on 2021-08-10 15:29:29

Editing Slots - 

1 - Deer Creek

2 - Spooks


3 - Scorpion

4 - Negma

5 - Bashful

This is now closed! I may or may not open another round.

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#245710 Posted on 2021-08-13 07:26:12

Update on recolors:

I have been quite busy in my first week of school, and I should be able to work on more of these this evening, and this weekend.

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