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Gift Deluxe

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Topic is locked Gift Deluxe

#242098 Posted on 2021-06-23 16:53:09

- Not sure if this has been suggested before. Or if its even a thing, but i couldn't find anything >.<

I'd love an option on the credits page to gift deluxe! 
Obviously it's not very important, but i think it would be a nice way to give back to friends/ the community. It'd work like sending EVC to someone, where you choose from the 1 - 24 months option, type in their ID, reason, account password and tick the box to confirm.

The one downside i can see to this is a new market for deluxe, ie, players asking for a set amount EVD to buy deluxe for others, which might not be a bad thing i have no idea honestly on whether it would ruin the EVC economy or not. So that could be one thing to think about?

But overall it's something i'd like to have available! If you have any arguments against it i'd love to hear it!

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#242104 Posted on 2021-06-23 20:49:45

I was actually just thinking about this earlier today and how it would be fun to potentially offer deluxe time as a prize in contests, etc. 

I don't know if it would necessarily harm the EVC economy since EVC would still be needed to purchase the deluxe by the gifter? If they asked for EVD in exchange for buying the deluxe, it sounds almost like a roundabout way of selling EVC for EVD. Though I'd be worried about the security aspect of folks asking for EVD in exchange for gifting deluxe. That's why the EVC exchange was created, so we'd have a secure way of making the trade so that no one gets scammed (I'm sure there were other reasons too but that's the biggest one for me)

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#242107 Posted on 2021-06-24 01:18:55

Would love this!! Sending the deluxe itself instead of transferring set amount of EVC would be nice for gifts and giveaways.

Would like to include an accept feature though, since deluxe isn't something you can transfer back LOL. Not everyone needs/wants deluxe I guess? I might be the minority here but I'd feel bad for wasting deluxe pfft. So like,, If it doesn't get accepted within a couple of days, you cancel the gift, or it gets declined, you get refunded the EVC? Might that work?

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#243717 Posted on 2021-07-19 11:09:55

This has been suggested before here

This topic will be locked, since it is a duplicate

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