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Bug during rides ?

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Bug during rides ?

#234400 Posted on 2021-02-01 05:12:27

During rides we sometimes get a choice to click a right or left icon on the screen which gains our horses extra stat points. Since the ruby shards event started this morning, every time I make a choice, instead of seeing next message that a stat point was gained by my horse, I see identical message which usually appears at the start of riding (something along the lines: you've just arrived at the ride, click to continue). Basically my horses are missing these extra points which they should be gaining. 

Has anybody else experienced it too ?

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#234401 Posted on 2021-02-01 05:17:13

Which area is this in?

I've just tried this at the Beach and had no issues with the stat picking options. 

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#234402 Posted on 2021-02-01 05:26:53

It happened to me 3 times in a row in the fields

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#234403 Posted on 2021-02-01 05:30:34

Could you try a different one and see if the same thing happens?

Edit It looks to be that the cave encounter (both explore and turn back options) is bugged but the sheep encounter works fine. 

Last edited on 2021-02-01 at 05:35:11 by maplɛ

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#234404 Posted on 2021-02-01 05:39:42

It has just also happened to me in the forest

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#234405 Posted on 2021-02-01 05:46:16

If you can record the exact event phrase and the options you picked to post in the Bug Zapper that would be great, as it appears only some of them are broken. 

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#234406 Posted on 2021-02-01 06:01:58

Will do, but I think I'll collect as much info as possible before I create a bug report, so that I don't have to keep on going back and forth to update it as I go along. And if other players make their own discoveries, please report them here. Maybe in this way we'll collect the data faster than me attempting it on my own.

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#234407 Posted on 2021-02-01 06:28:31

I've experienced this also, in the Forest and Fields, with 'Tidy Up' or 'Leave It', 'Explore' or 'Turn Back', 'Dismount' or 'Ride On', and I can't remember the exact wording but to look in the leaf pile or log. Some screenshots I got in case they're helpful.

Edit: 'Dodge Waves' or 'Head for Dunes' in the beach is working fine

Last edited on 2021-02-01 at 08:15:51 by Ducky

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#234409 Posted on 2021-02-01 07:19:07

I think this will take absolutely ages but I'll be updating this post as I find bugs. Here it comes:

dismount (bug) - ride on (bug)
• go in the water (works) - head for the dunes (?)
explore (bug) - turn back (bug)
• dodge waves (works) - head for the dunes (works)
• head for the dunes (works) - run in the waves (works)

dismount (bug) - ride on (bug)
• get some exercise (works) - look around (?)
explore (bug) - turn back (bug)
• 'pick it up' option (bug)
• take a run (works) - get some exercise (?)

dismount (bug) - ride on (bug)
• go around (works) - find another way (works)
search pile of leaves (bug) - search log (bug)
explore (bug) - turn back (?)
• take another trail (works) - find another way (?)

mountain path
• talk to the driver (works) - hurry to get help (?)
dismount (bug) - ride on (?)
• take a shortcut to get help (works) - talk to the driver (?)
explore (bug) - turn back (bug)
• help out (works) - pull the car (?)
• take a shortcut to get help (?) - hurry to get help (works)

explore (bug) - turn back (bug)
dismount (bug) - ride on (bug)
• head them off (?) - catch the sheep (works)
tidy up (bug) - leave it (bug)
• catch the sheep (works) - offer to help (?)

I think it's safe to assume that each pair either works or is bugged. I haven't encountered yet a case where one option in a pair works and the other is bugged.

Last edited on 2021-02-03 at 06:41:07 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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#234436 Posted on 2021-02-01 11:03:45

The one with dismounts is sometimes bugged on the Mountain Path too. Sometimes clicking "Ride" causes the panel with the result of the dismount to appear.
EDIT: Ah, the cave event on the Mountain Path is bugged too.

Last edited on 2021-02-01 at 11:05:54 by Thunder

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#234446 Posted on 2021-02-01 12:17:04

In the forest:
Dismount (bugged) - Ride On (?)
Find another Way (?) - Go Around (works)

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#234450 Posted on 2021-02-01 12:34:49

I am getting this same bug now in the Beach riding with the "explore" and "turn back" option.

Last edited on 2021-02-01 at 12:35:44 by Havok

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#234453 Posted on 2021-02-01 12:42:19

So annoying that it decided to get broken, I lost 3 opportunities to gain stats with just one horse...

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#234454 Posted on 2021-02-01 12:44:20

Head for the dunes works for the dodge waves/head for the dunes option

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#234459 Posted on 2021-02-01 13:08:52

Does anybody know how many pair options there are in each ride ?
So far I counted 5 different pairs on the beach and am wondering if that's all or should I keep on testing waiting for some other options to appear there ?

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