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Arena Progress?

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Arena Progress?

#233198 Posted on 2021-01-11 15:58:14

Hi there, quick question.. does anyone know the timeline for arena progression?  I have been told that it is a very slow process.  I have recently added more arenas so that I can help add more shows for when there are none available.  I've gained about 5% progress in one month's time, wondering when I can expect to progress past Novice so I can hopefully earn a little bit of $$ from training.  Thank you!

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#233202 Posted on 2021-01-11 16:35:37

The more often it is used the faster it will progress. I will see if I can use it for training tomorrow to help out. 

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#233203 Posted on 2021-01-11 16:36:22

Also interested in this... (If anyone has done any calculating...?)

Last edited on 2021-01-11 at 16:37:04 by ᴛʀᴜQᴜᴇ

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#233204 Posted on 2021-01-11 16:39:30

I believe at novice level it is 1% per use. Also, I would recommend lowering the cost to the lowest possible($20 for novice) and it may get used more often that way.

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#233206 Posted on 2021-01-11 16:44:41

Thank you so much!  And thank you for the info.

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#233209 Posted on 2021-01-11 17:00:06

Every horse trained at the arena = 1 exp. I would recommend increasing the horse slots for each arena to progress them faster or you'll be there for years with 5 slots aha.

Last edited on 2021-01-11 at 17:00:35 by maplɛ

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#233214 Posted on 2021-01-11 17:28:05

Even with the lowest charge for arena use, I wouldn't hold my breath.... Seriously!
I bought my deluxe exactly a year ago, set up my arenas straight away and guess how much arena progression I've got till now...?!: one international, two national, eight locals and the rest is still novice ! After a year of logging on every day! I bet fifty percent of my progression was done by my own horses...

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#233217 Posted on 2021-01-11 17:36:58

Looks like you also have the minimum slot allowance per arena. I have 29 arenas in all the separate grades, probably trained 200 of my horses in each one that needed leveling up daily (25 > 50 > 100 horse slots respectively). Again I would recommend upgrading your horse slots, the more people that can use them then the faster they will level up.

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#233228 Posted on 2021-01-11 19:54:19

So expensive of an investment for little return off the bat :/  I will expand mine now and hopefully that helps.  Thanks again everyone for the good info!

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#233229 Posted on 2021-01-11 19:56:04

Like you said, it’s an investment, they will definitely make the money back and more over time. 

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#233230 Posted on 2021-01-11 20:46:28

I have 150 arenas each with about 30 slots (a few have 50 which is what I'm working them all up to eventually when I remember to do that :'D ). I made that many back before the number of shows we could make a day was capped because I was wanting to make 10 shows per a level per a day. I collected my money on the 31st of December and currently I have just shy of 245k worth of training moolah I could collect (I wait until the end of the month to collect my money from my boarding/shows/training/riding stuff so its more obvious how much I'm getting, lol). It does pay for itself eventually, thankfully :D

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#233232 Posted on 2021-01-11 21:34:35

Hi I'm Sab and I do Math. You can see the list of how much EXP it takes per level in the EV Tools and Information spreadsheet: Link to Forum post. It's on the All About Levels tab. To get to Local it is 100exp and you earn 1 exp per horse trained. It will take a total of 2225 trainings to reach International and be the highest grade. 
It is $5k per space so it gets expensive quickly to add more slots but at least 10 is a good number to start. Training slots rest every hour, so if you have limited slots try to space out your training. I recommend 25 so you can get a good amount of horses training at once if you can't be on for multiple hours a day.

Also have a section about Arenas in the Maximizing Deluxe Potential Guide that gives some more info too.

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