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Culling Inbreds

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Culling Inbreds

#233073 Posted on 2021-01-09 06:50:16

An edit: Thank you all for your feedback. I sell my foals for a reason, to make money. Once they are sold I do not care what happens with them. I simply do not like the narrative that is pushed by these cullers! 
This message was directed more towards people who shame those who have unclean lines. I believe we should come together and encourage. Not shame or leave questions unanswered. How else is one who inbreeds to learn when you cull with no forewarning?

I’ve had lots of people buy out my foals and instantly cull them. 
They claim it is due to inbreeding. While I understand inbreeding is frowned upon, this is a game. The inbreeding in my horses probably strays so far back it isn’t even relevant. Any grossly strong inbreeding is blocked by the game. I suppose what I am saying is that while I do not condone inbreeding IRL (even though some of the best race horses are inbred to a certain degree and have no health concerns), this is a game. And as long as the inbreeding is not severe and allowing for advantages in breeding then I see no reason to cull barely inbred foals.
The heros that claim to be culling inbreds to make the Equiverse QH line more “clean” are taking peoples’ (sometimes 4+ years worth) of hard work and deleting it. The horses in this game are not effected by inbreeding. Strong inbreeding is blocked by the game. Not every person wants to take the time nor the amount of money out to buy out a bunch of foundations and start over again just to prevent a couple stray inbreds a couple YEARS back in their horses’ pedigrees!

I suppose my point is
Please stop culling peoples’ horses because of a couple stray inbreds.
Offer tips and advice on how to further improve their lines in a more “clean” manner. 
You are not a hero for culling years worth of breeding to make fake horses “clean”.

Last edited on 2021-01-10 at 11:59:37 by Upstate Quarter Horses

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#233078 Posted on 2021-01-09 08:53:21

I feel your pain but I think the counter argument is exactly the came as the one used by you: it's just a game, therefore anyone can play the way they want and sometimes what hurts or annoys or saddens you is seen as a good deed by somebody else. Players who raise objections like yours are usually advised to use private sales which allows them to reject bids by "cullers" or accept the possibility of culling if they decide for open sale.

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#233080 Posted on 2021-01-09 09:53:00

Agreed. They can do what they want, and I’m fine with them culling my foals (especially if they’re not my best work), but it’s the narrative pushed. Not so much the actual action of doing so, but the narrative that people who breed like me are inbreeding and should have their horses culled to stop it. Ya know?

Last edited on 2021-01-09 at 09:53:21 by Upstate Quarter Horses

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#233089 Posted on 2021-01-09 11:39:04

You sound really triggered by the language used. Did someone meassge you direct? Can you block them? 

I agree with Lenka, screen your sales and try not to worry about it. People who moralize about inbreeding pixels are not worth you getting upset about. 

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#233091 Posted on 2021-01-09 11:52:01

I think Lenka has it right, if you want to prevent that from happening, private sales/bids are the way to go. At the end of the day, anybody can do anything with the horse they've purchased (on the flip side, somebody could buy some horses and overbreed/inbreed the lines too), so screening potential buyers might be a good thing. Also, maybe you can ask to purchase the horse back if you don't want them culled. 

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#233108 Posted on 2021-01-09 20:08:08

I hate to be the person who says this because it is just going to sound blunt but. This is the reality of the game. If you don't want even the slightest chance of any of your lines being culled then don't sell them at all. If you have a desire to sell then vet the person first so that you can see what their intentions are. I personally don't cull horses unless they have gross/broken lines, but not just directly inbreeding. I do however, avoid buying/breeding horses that are inbred. It's the nature of the beast.

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#233129 Posted on 2021-01-10 10:32:37

I can see both sides of the argument which is why I don't sell much because I get attached to my fake pixels and would hate for it to go to waste if someone didn't train it or deleted it just because :) You can breed to one of my stallys or mares and do what you want with the foal though obviously 

But I feel your frustration. Real actually years go into these lines fake or otherwise and it's a bit mean spirited to do that. Just don't buy the horse in the first place if it offends you so much. That's all I do. Just don't buy. I did think there was a block for very immediate inbreeding so not sure what the issue is. 

Perhaps raising the sale price would deter the deletion brigade?? How much is it worth spending on something you are just deleting? I wouldn't buy a expensive horse to delete. If someone is genuinely interested in the horse they might message you a counter offer not too below the asking price so you might be able to judge if they are more genuinely into the horse for training/breeding idk?!

Even vetting new owners can be a minefield which then makes you go private which then makes everyone moan about the lack of inter player breeding of lines but you can see why a lot of players just don't go public. That's another minefield! 

Edit - SkyChild said it best. Try not to let them get to you

Last edited on 2021-01-10 at 10:34:28 by Fabelhaft [DWBs & Trakes]

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#233248 Posted on 2021-01-12 08:19:14

Could someone walk me through inbreeding as far as how to tell? I had one of my mares bought (not bred by me) and she was bought then culled for being inbred. Doesn't bother me, but out of curiosity, I studied her pedigree and there were never two horses with the same ID number, etc. So how does one know that horse is "inbred"? 

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#233258 Posted on 2021-01-12 10:43:32

If you link the horse in question I can help! Just know too it might have had broken lines, been overbred, etc and that could also be the the reason for culling.

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