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wanna make a quick buck?

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wanna make a quick buck?

#232630 Posted on 2021-01-03 16:37:07

coffee queen is in need of someone willing to color me a bunch of these cuties:

I had most of my characters done already, but I may or may not have lost the files

only post if you're willing to do a bunch of these for me

I do not own the icon, and to be honest with you, I forget who made it
but I do remember that they were free to use

I'm willing to pay quite a bit for someone willing to do this for me!

the background must stay transparent
do not add credits to the image, I will credit you on my page
you must post with a colored in example so I can see your work
*example can be of one of your own characters if you'd like :)
must be able/willing to do complex characters accurately

I will pick a "winner" and will message them with a list of refs

paying 15k per icon

*feel free to use these icons for your own characters!

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#232667 Posted on 2021-01-03 20:00:47

ooooooo I would be very much interested! :) - Your art pass would come in handy :))  Here is the stash link: Tiny basee and it has all the different poses. 


Top 2 are: My Cooper // My Graphite
Bottom 2 are: Ducky's Cocco // Ducky's Queen

Last edited on 2021-01-04 at 10:07:45 by Tall Oak

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Whispering Oak’s

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