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Inactive Clubs

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Inactive Clubs

Inactive Clubs

#231950 Posted on 2020-12-23 07:09:37

(This might belong in the Help Me section, not sure)

Is there any way to revive an inactive club if you aren't the owner? I wanted to create an EV Trainers Association but I see that there is already one; however, it's inactive and it looks like the owner hasn't been online in close to a year. Would I need to make a new Trainers Assoc. and/or can I even do that?

Thanks in advance!

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#231951 Posted on 2020-12-23 07:12:53

The only way really to revive an inactive club would be if you were the admin (if the owner isn't online for 6 months then you can claim ownership), or by messaging the owner or admins about it. If it's really dead you'd probably be good creating a new one.

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#232029 Posted on 2020-12-23 19:38:15

I posted a suggestion just now about this :)

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