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ISO: Donkey/Mule Chars

ForumsLooking For... → ISO: Donkey/Mule Chars

ISO: Donkey/Mule Chars

#222482 Posted on 2020-05-07 18:21:45

I recently acquired a Donkey character, and I am utterly obsessed. So here I am wanting more long eared friends!

I prefer pre-made things, but with the right person I may look into a custom. 

I love add-ons, but really the only requirements are donkey or mule, and everything has to be credited.

Natural, unnatural, a mix, whatever. Show me whatever you've got!

Please let me know prices. I prefer using EVD, but will consider credits. I don't really have anything to offer in way of trades, so would prefer not going that route.

If offering a custom, please show me examples and pricing. Also be willing to be creative, as I'm not looking for anything specific past the donkey/mule requirement c:

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