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Tall Oak Smiling Horse [Tag]

ForumsTag & Signature Sales → Tall Oak Smiling Horse [Tag]

Topic is locked Tall Oak Smiling Horse [Tag]

#221320 Posted on 2020-04-21 12:56:50

Hiya! I just got a new art program and I made a tag and I decided that I wanted to do a tag sale with these lines as I am so proud of how they turned out! 

Tag is 50k each (3 tags per slot) *If you have an art pass of mine you may use that for one of the images but not all of them.

4 slots will be open for now, if I get enough interest in this more slots will be added


Credits are to STAY on the image!

You must send payment before! Unless you have arranged with me ahead of time before hand to pay after!







Username and ID

Ref image(s)

Backup image(s)

Anything else I should know?

Last edited on 2020-04-21 at 13:14:29 by Tall Oak Stables

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