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Herd Input Please

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Herd Input Please

#220061 Posted on 2020-04-03 00:35:37

I have TWHs currently, that are locked, and I still haven't assigned any specialties. I have the tack for Dressage, but not all of my horses have the right stats for dressage. I've even made a pros and cons list of making them all the same specialty vs specializing in their best stats and I still don't have a clue. Any input would be awesome. I'm just really stuck and can't, for the life of me, figure out what to do.

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#220063 Posted on 2020-04-03 01:30:23

I would set the speciality that better fits each horse. You can have divisions for each speciality so you can organize better. Personally I like to have all my horses the same speciality (endurance mustangs). I would probably choose a speciality and keep the horses that fit well and sell the others, or have several speciality horses and see which ones are doing better and continue breeding them, so finally I´d have only one speciality instead of several ones.

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#220067 Posted on 2020-04-03 04:55:40

I breed for stats but even so I dont usually worry about the base stats of my foundies too much. Mainly because I'm too lazy to check that but also because a few breeds I do seem to hate giving me non grey gene horses which is my biggest concern lol. 

Plus even if there is any real stat difference between any of my horse, with the first generation I breed highest stat mate to the lowest stat stallion, highest stallion to lowest mare and go back and forth until I breed the last pair and by the time that is done I usually have a pretty even stat 2nd generation. So it all works out in my mind.

I hope I have explained this well, my brain is tired this morning lol.

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#220070 Posted on 2020-04-03 06:06:54

You should consider if you want to use them showing or not (see you have both foundation and lined TWHs). To show well you need horses under 65-70 non-speciality stats, if they're foundation then any discipline you assign them to with the right speciality treats they'll do well in. If they're other generations you need to look at their stat distribution and base stats. Picking show horses really increases chances of foal sales later on as they're more suitable to a wider variety of people but it's up to you how you play. 

Personally I do endurance TWHs but lots of people do different specialities with them. I make mine all the same discipline (at foundation) so I have an easier time pairing up and only buy horses with the same speciality. Dressage is the second highest discipline for TWHs though so I don't think you'd have a problem finding horses to pair with. 

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#220889 Posted on 2020-04-14 00:47:27

Thank you all. I've decided to just go with dressage. It's what I was already set up for. I figure, with time, training, and breeding, the stats will sort themselves out.

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