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Foal stats question

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Foal stats question

#219450 Posted on 2020-03-23 07:33:38

Hi, I have a mare who has the following stats:

STR: 2 +34
SPD: 3 +34
AGI: 2 +34
INT: 553 +109
END: 552 +109
ALL: 1112

I´ve used a stallion with the following:

STR: 64 +6
SPD: 71 +6
AGI: 65 +6
INT: 1155 +31
END: 1266 +31
ALL: 2621

And she got this foal:

STR: 36
SPD: 42
AGI: 36
INT: 725
END: 780
ALL: 1619

I´ve used a breed again solution and I´ve used this stallion:

STR: 15 +34
SPD: 16 +34
AGI: 16 +34
INT: 1819 +109
END: 1819 +109
ALL: 3685

But the foal is not what I spected:

STR: 8
SPD: 9
AGI: 9
INT: 590
END: 591
ALL: 1207

I mean, the NSS are low as I wanted, but the endurance stats are also low... The first foal is what I expected from that pairing but what happened to the second one? Why does it have lower stats if the mare is the same and the stallion has much higher stats? Thank you!

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#219451 Posted on 2020-03-23 07:35:39

Sorry for all the gaps. I have no idea how to fix them.

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#219454 Posted on 2020-03-23 07:47:11

what are the base stats of the two stallions? 
i agree that the amount seems odd but that might be a result of how the breeding formula uses base stats versus earned stats? (just a theory)

have you tried plugging both breedings into the stat calculator to see if they match? 

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#219455 Posted on 2020-03-23 07:50:42

 The breeding formula works out around 25% of combined parent stats and then adds discipline/generation boost on top of it. You also need to look at the base stats of a horse as well as current stats when breeding. The exact formula is explained more in Ulysses' foal calculator: here (not updated to reflect the recent breeding down change)

From the formula page:
- Foal stats depend on the parents' base stats, their stats at the time of breeding, and their discipline.
- Birth stats of the parents are not a factor in breeding.
- Base stats of the parents are weighted more heavily than the rest of their stats.
- If both parents are in the same discipline then the foal's discipline-specific stats will get a small bonus.
- If you have to choose between two horses with very similar stats, then the horse with the higher base stats will produce higher statted foals.

Last edited on 2020-03-23 at 07:52:57 by maplɛ

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#219456 Posted on 2020-03-23 07:54:19

I see, thanks a lot! There were some info I was missing!

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#219457 Posted on 2020-03-23 08:25:59

Hey, can someone double check me on this?

I'm excited about the lowering NSS possibility now, so I just used Spanish Mustang's stats to try to calculate how much foal stats can be lowered. I looked up the horses in Spanish's example and I think you're breeding:

Mali x Compact for the first 
Mali x Cierzo for the second

When I typed the stats provided by Spanish with the base stats on the horses' profile, I got that the first foal should have the following stats according to the calculator (I know that the calculator doesn't have the lowering % incorporated, but if I know what stats to expect BEFORE the lowering %, and I know what the actual stats are, I can calculate what % they were lowered by):

Foal Stat Calculator for Mali x Compact:
           Base Stats              Birth Stats
STR     33                             33
SPD     37                             37
AGI      33                            33
INT     648                           728
END    712                           792

The foal of Mali x Compact has these actual base stats:

STR: 34
SPD: 39
AGI: 34
INT: 646

That looks like an INCREASE in NSS stats to me and a DECREASE in SS stats. Can someone double check this? Spanish, do I have this pairing correct?

PS. Spanish, you have those huge gaps because you are copying and pasting the entire stat table into the message. If you take the info out of the table, the gaps disappear.

Last edited on 2020-03-23 at 09:09:36 by Westrn

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#219458 Posted on 2020-03-23 08:34:12

It's difficult to tell without seeing the actual horses. I can only find the mare and I'm assuming public studs were used. 

The mare has *super* low base ss stats for a pedigree horse and will be bringing it down regardless. If we can confirm/double check the pairings then we can see whats going on. However there is a bit of leeway in projected stats if the horses do not have the same base/current stats ns wise (ie 24 base but has 46 current will produce anything from 20-40ns depending what it's bred to) so this could also be applying to the ns stats here. 

It could be the case that the recent breeding down update was applied to ALL stats and not just ns stats themselves. I've not personally noticed a difference in horses I've bred the same day (all had exact same ss stats and sometimes different ns) so I don't think it's the case. 

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#219461 Posted on 2020-03-23 09:03:12

So I looked at the mare (based on Spanish's description of the stats) and then her foals. She had two foals today, so I'm assuming those are the two Spanish is referring to. 

The mare is: Mali
The foal in the first instance Spanish describes is: Aztec Gold 
The stallion of that foal is: Compact 

Spanish provided the stats when the horses were bred and then the birth stats are publicly available on those profiles.

The update specifically says that only NSS decrease: 
"*A small degree of random decrease, in the form of a percent range, has been added to non-specialty stats resulting from breeding. This will allow a chance for NSS to decrease beyond the previous lower limit. To clarify, this random chance only decreases the NSS - it does not allow any chance of increase, just decrease only."

Last edited on 2020-03-23 at 09:07:55 by Westrn

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#219462 Posted on 2020-03-23 09:20:35

Just pointing out the recent update as it could potentially be a bug if ss is being affected as well, but I don't think it is since no one else seems to have reported lower ss stats than expected or variations in base ss stats in foals born on the same day for the same pairing. 

Like I mentioned, there's a bit of randomness in foal stats when base and current ns don't match. The stallion doesn't have a big enough difference in base/current stats to make a massive difference to the foals inherited stats, and the mare has super low base stats that will pull it down regardless. The results I'm seeing are what I would expect for that pairing, with the calculator as a guide. 

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#219470 Posted on 2020-03-23 11:06:21

To anyone reading this: have you bred your horses since the change and checked the foal's stats against the calculator? Were the stats what you expected? 

If this is a bug, I'll report it, but this isn't my horse and so there could be information here that I'm not getting. I don't want to send the programmers on a wild goose chase if this isn't actually a problem. 

Also, the foal stats were a predictable equation. You shouldn't have had any randomness (until now with the unknown percent drop). The only 'randomness' you might have seen was if rounding was involved, but again, that's not random, it's rounding. I've been breeding down NSS stats on my spare account for months and the foals' stats were always exactly what the calculator said they would be. The mathematical formula is here:

Last edited on 2020-03-23 at 11:07:07 by Westrn

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#219490 Posted on 2020-03-24 04:18:59

I´m not very worried about the first foal´s stats, I´m fine with them. I´ll keep an eye in future foals and if I find something strange I´ll report it. Tahnk you both :)

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