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Manip (Will be paying $600k or higher)

ForumsLooking For... → Manip (Will be paying $600k or higher)

Manip (Will be paying $600k or higher)

#218648 Posted on 2020-02-24 15:24:09

I am currently looking for a manip to be made for my layout... and I don't want to keep TM ranch waiting too long as she has been very generous and was willing to make time for me to make me a layout, and I just need a manip in order for her to continue on!

I have my own image of my horse that I would like to be used for my manip image if POSSIBLE! (Image will be provided once someone is interested)

I will be paying between $600K to $650K! 

If your interested, please either message me privately or post here :)


Last edited on 2020-02-24 at 15:33:03 by 𝒯all 𝒪ak 𝒮tables

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