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I've reported a bug in showing

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I've reported a bug in showing

#217885 Posted on 2020-01-29 05:23:32

I've just reported a bug. Please have a look
bug report
and if you've also experienced it recently, then please click to report it too

Last edited on 2020-01-29 at 07:50:50 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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#217897 Posted on 2020-01-29 13:53:09

Nobody from deluxe players noticed anything like my experience with ghost horses in the shows ? I found this report from last year Sounds like a very similar situation

Last edited on 2020-01-29 at 13:54:25 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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#217911 Posted on 2020-01-29 17:54:21

Do you handshow or autoshow? I use autoshow so I've never noticed this issue. I also haven't noticed it while hand showing. Do you show right after CRON runs? I had a look at some horses entered and I only see 10 sets of the same show where I would expect to see 20 if you had double entered. Perhaps entering your own show again takes the horse out from the previous day but counts it as an extra entry before it runs? 

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#217912 Posted on 2020-01-29 18:33:17

I hand show. That's probably why I was able to notice it.
I entered 2 horses in my 10 shows. They were the only participants at that time. I bookmarked my shows for certainty. I checked those shows 11 hours later (just before cron): my horses were there plus a couple of other horses. Lets say the count at that time was: 5 participants in total in one of them. I checked the show an hour after cron had run. The total was showing 5 but when I "opened" this show, only 3 participants were visible. My horses were not visible. I entered the same horses. Now the count was showing 7 but after "opening" it it would have 5 visible participants. This description (with 2 ghost horses) goes for each one of my 10 shows.
[By "opening" a show I mean clicking on it to see who the participants are.]
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean when you say you'd expect to see 20 if I'd double entered

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#217916 Posted on 2020-01-29 21:47:03

Not sure if it is the same thing happening but I've had issues while creating 20 of the same shows at a time. I will enter 5 of my horses into 10 of them...then go to enter the other 10 but all 20 shows will show 5 entrants..but when I click on each individual show the 10 I did not enter show none. I noticed this only when I was strictly hand showing daily. Now that I mass create and use auto show for lowest entries I haven't seen it happen. 

Last edited on 2020-01-29 at 21:48:04 by Olympea

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#217920 Posted on 2020-01-30 05:54:07

I mean if you had doubled entered a show I would expect to see 20 welcome shows in their completed shows list instead of 10. Maybe next time it happens, don't enter the same show and wait until the next day and see if your horses get results for them? Did you lock them at any point? Is it only happening to certain horses or a certain division? Do you spam click to enter or individually click? Maybe the scripts not going through properly to register your horse in a show.

Olympea that sounds like the bug where shows past 19 don't show up properly and duplicate across the other pages, or could be related to it. But if you see the issue again then screeenshot with show links and add to showing reports. The more information Abbey has the more likely she is to have a solution or reason to why it's happening. 

I hand show on my spare account and haven't noticed this issue at all. I spam click before the page reloads and have horses in just fine. 

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#217922 Posted on 2020-01-30 06:29:50

Sorry but I'm still not able to understand why there would be 20 shows. By double entering I meant e.g. entering now 2 horses and then entering them again after 23 hours (which would be tomorrow after cron). I think that after cron runs my horses from previous day become invisible and because it's after cron, they are able to re-enter the same show. I tested it with bookmarking specific shows to be sure that I'm re-entering exactly the same ones.
If I wait and don't re-enter then they do get results - I checked it already.
I didn't lock them at any point.
I have no intention of re-entering on purpose, especially that it loses me money because they win ones instead of twice but I'm charged the fees twice. It's just super inconvenient when it happens. I don't fancy memorising the time I enter my horses to make sure 24 hours pass in between.
It happened to unassigned horses (outside any division).
I enter individually. Wasn't even aware of the possibility of entering by spam clicking.

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#217923 Posted on 2020-01-30 06:31:31

The only thing I haven't checked yet is whether it would be possible to double enter in this way somebody else's show...

I've just checked - It's not possible. So it's something which is happening only with my own shows.

Last edited on 2020-01-30 at 06:51:32 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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#217924 Posted on 2020-01-30 07:05:00

I was thinking it might be unassigned horses that it's happening to as it can be a bit buggy in other areas, where they've been treated as locked. I would just assign them to a division and see if the problem happens again. Locking horses takes them out of shows so if they're in unassigned it could be thinking they're locked at cron when they're not. 

And by 20 shows I meant that you would have 20 entries of Welcome in your show list if you had truly double entered a show. Since you only have 10 it's just proving your horses have only been entered once despite being entered "twice". 

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#217925 Posted on 2020-01-30 07:12:14

Good idea, I'll try tomorrow with entering them while they're in a division.

Yes, now I get it..., I suppose I wasn't very clear with using "double enter a show" expression. I don't even have 10 horses at the same level, so I was testing with the only 2 horses I have.

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#217985 Posted on 2020-02-01 12:19:10

I've created ten I2 Show Jumping and ten I1 Show Jumping Shows. Then I entered 2 of my horses into each show. One horse of each pair was in a division, the other wasn't. After cron had run but before the shows have run, I checked them and all displayed one horse less then the number of entrants shown on the show page (where you find shows for horses by specialty). Horses from division were listed but unassigned horses were invisible (so a show displayed e.g. 4 entrants but after clicking on it you could count only 3 entrants including 1 of my horses staying in the division). I re-entered unassigned horse into all I2 shows but I didn't re-enter unassigned horse into I1 shows. After all 20 shows had run, I checked the results: I2 shows listed both of my horses as entrants; I1 shows listed only one of my horses as an entrant. According to the game it was as if I had never entered my unassigned horse yesterday. There were less then 10 entrants in all shows, so it's not possible that I didn't see my unassigned horse because it scored lower then 10th place. I did not lock my account, so unassigned horses were not locked at any time before entering and time when the show run.
I'm thinking now: if you enter unassigned horses into shows, maybe you get money and the recognition of its entry only if the show runs before cron and if it runs after you don't get any recognition; it's as if it had never entered.

I don't know how else to determine what's going on.

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#217986 Posted on 2020-02-01 12:21:24

I'm just going to stick all my unassigned horses into a division and show from there, because I'm tired of losing money and unable to solve the problem.

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#217988 Posted on 2020-02-01 12:54:18

You've pinpointed something buggy and have a solution for now until Abbey fixes it. No big deal to put them in a division to show. 

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#217989 Posted on 2020-02-01 13:20:33

I've amended my report and maybe somebody else will also feel like trying to test it for themselves to help further.

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