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quick update

#215908 Posted on 2019-12-21 22:28:23

hey all,

first off want to apologize to anyone who has commented @ me or messaged me, i am NOT inactive but i have only been on my phone lately (and we all know its much harder to get anything done on phone rather than a desktop here) and its really only been to check forums and feed the horses every now and then. SO, if you have messaged me within the last few weeks or commented towards me on a post please know i have not been ignoring you, i have just not really been able to respond like i'd like to! i have been working lots lately (super full time, and during the most productive hours of the day so its been hard to get really anything done) and have been doing lots of mommying to a toddler and christmas shopping hence my busyness. i have not forgot about any art that has been purchased and it is all still being worked on, just very slowly. art will still continue to be done very slowly until the new year has arrived so i ask that you comment here for updates or to remind me you're waiting on something if it seems i've forgot but PLEASE after one or two updates do not ask for anymore. i am extremely busy and real life comes first and while i understand updates are appreciated they are extremely irritating after the second ask. 


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#215910 Posted on 2019-12-21 23:35:28

Hope all is well ♥

Probably check on the Christmas tag sale from last November (2018)

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#215913 Posted on 2019-12-22 01:52:03

Life happens ;P And toddlers can be hard ♥
You have your  (HH) Wey's First Annual Giftbox Giveaway, just as a reminder :)
(and your tag is done on [pistol] be-wreathed year 2! [r1], not sure if you saw :D)

Last edited on 2019-12-22 at 02:33:16 by Coconut the dog

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