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ForumsEquiverse Chat → TREAT HELP!!


#214696 Posted on 2019-12-03 09:19:45

What's the difference between (for example) a Green Apple and a Bag of Green Apples?  I'm so confused.. is one better? Why are they seperate? Can I assign a Green Apple and have it come from a Bag of Apples? Why can't you buy single apples?

Help!  And THANK YOU!! 

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#214701 Posted on 2019-12-03 09:58:56

They are the same so far as treating is concerned, both give the same stat increases.

They are different in that you buy the bags (or crates) from the general store and you receive the singles as rewards for doing "stuff" (like completing riding school)

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Rancho SoCal

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#214707 Posted on 2019-12-03 10:51:03

single treats give you +5 happiness and those in bunches give +10

if you assign single treat then it will always be dispensed to a horse from your single treats reserve, the same rule counts for bunches

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