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Free Reiner's Wishlist

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Free Reiner's Wishlist

#214638 Posted on 2019-12-02 10:18:15

Free Reiner's Annual Wishlist!

So we are going to have a little wishlist extravaganza! If you enter in this you will get 10 free tickets that will go towards the holiday raffle. Link to that and the secret Santa are at the bottom of the page.

Basically you are going to give at least three small things that you want, and one larger thing. I will grant you one of your medium wishes, as well as one of you small wishes. 

The small things should be things like treats, backgrounds, and evd up to 20k. 

The Large item can be horses, evd up to 75k, and lots of tack. 

If you ask for evc or evc items, be warned that you will probably not get it. Please do stuff that is semi easy to get. 


If you want to participate in more events like this, then click here for the holiday secret Santa, and click here for the first annual raffle.

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#214764 Posted on 2019-12-04 10:59:42

Small things - backgrounds

large/medium - 50k

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#214796 Posted on 2019-12-04 18:02:37

Small things - treats or backgrounds
Big Things -  $50k 

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Evergreen Farm

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