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Sell Me Characters

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Sell Me Characters

#212064 Posted on 2019-10-29 20:07:26

My hoard isn't "hoardy" enough. 

I'm both picky and not. 

Can be realistic, or unnatural or a mix. Can be on free lines, bought lines, lines you made, whatever as long as theres credit. 

I'm not a big pony fan. I love appies, paints, and I love add ons. I love weird pons.

I typically don't want tiny pixel pons. It's hard to find someone to make them a proper ref these days. But I'll consider it.

No bucket fill, single color pons. They're just not my style.

In reality, I probably won't buy too many cause I know I shoudn't, but who knows. Show me what you've got!

Prices included would be a plus, I hate offering cause I'm bad at it c:

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